Woman cuts off husband's *****

Charged with 'aggravated mayhem' made me lol.
"spousal abuse" is brilliant.

But what a massive *****...
what is it with you and stories about penises being cut off?
"spousal abuse" is brilliant.

But what a massive *****...

**** hath no fury than a woman scorned. But yeah-waaayyy ott. Case for sueing perhaps?
I bet the make-up *** was great.
Was it only me that crossed my legs whilst reading this? Ouch.
Bet he was an abusive husband, if so he deserves it. If not, what a *****!
All the wierdos seem to be coming out of the woodwork lately.
"The female cut off his ***** with a knife... tossed the ***** in the garbage disposal and turned the disposal to the 'on' position."

**** there goes the chance that it could have been put on ice and reattached :P
What is it with American women and cutting a mans off?


Woman sets fire to ex-husband's ***** | Reuters

Greek woman sets fire to British tourist's ***** | Neos Kosmos

Indian Woman Sets Fire To Husbands ***** - Topix
My ***** is my best friend, I take him everywhere with me. I couldn't live without him.

The law should be 'an eye for an eye', I say sew up her axe-wound!
no more stories about winkle removal/scrotie damage please. PLEASE!!! :'(