Worst/most dissapointing albums you have bought?

JP Woody

Jan 11, 2009
Reaction score
You must of bought albums in the past that have either been total ***** or that you have really looked forward to but ended up being a real let down. Name and shame them.

Some of Mine are:

Kid A (Radiohead) As a follow up to the brilliant OK Computer it was at the time a massive let down for me,although it has grew on me since.

Pop (U2) *****,end of story.

Viva la vida (Coldplay) Possibly one of the most over rated over hyped albums of all time. Barely 1 decent song on it.

Be here now (Oasis) The first of many epic album fails by these guys. Never re captured the magic of their opening 2 albums.
Agree on viva la vida, but to be fair viva la vida won song of the year, so that song made the album in my opinion
Viva La Vida - Coldplay
21st Century Breakdown - Greenday
Viva La Vida is god awful like everything else to do with Coldplay. I don't own that many albums but the new Bullet For My Valentine album Fever is pretty poor, some decent songs on it but most of them are very lifeless and dull. I expected much more

Green Day 21st Century Breakdown is also very hit and miss, I very much enjoy Peacemaker and 21 Guns but that's it, nothing else in the album is worth mentioning
St.Anger - Metallica
Chinese Democracy - Guns 'N' Roses

Both wastes of money imo :'(
Green day- 21st century breakdown was complete *****, nothing on nimrod or american idiot
Maximo Park - Quicken The Heart: Decent, but not even close to the first 2 albums

The Enemy - Music For The People: Dogshit. First album was brilliant... This? Awful.
Chinese Democracy by a distance. 14 years and millions of dollars for two decent songs.