I'm probably just stupid, but I can't seem to find anywhere saying "use same tactics as first team (or something like that)" to have my U23s and U18s playing my tactic. Is that not an option anymore?
It might just be down to the managers preferred tactics. I'm playing a 4-3-3 DM wide which my U23s seem to be playing as the manager has that formation as is second preferred tactic. My U18 manager has 5-2-1-2 WB as his preferred tactic and 4-3-1-2 Narrow as his second, and they seem to be playing 5-2-1-2. I'll try a new U18 manager but just seems a bit crazy since I might change formation down the road and he looks a good youth manager
Still weren't able to change anything. Hired a new U18 manager and the formation is now the right one, unfortunately the roles aren't right and they are playing with wingers whilst I'm playing with Inside Forwards - getting a little annoyed tbh