FME Zealand Skin

FME Zealand Skin v4.00 (Hotfix)

updated to new version and lost all the transfer info, contract and attributes info and the scout button, also the player number pn the shirt has gone? I'm on a MacBook Pro at 85% zoom. previous version had no issue? any ideas where I am going wrong??? (screen shot with and without icon labels)


  • Screenshot 2021-11-10 at 19.28.17.png
    Screenshot 2021-11-10 at 19.28.17.png
    1.6 MB · Views: 55
  • Screenshot 2021-11-10 at 19.29.12.png
    Screenshot 2021-11-10 at 19.29.12.png
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updated to new version and lost all the transfer info, contract and attributes info and the scout button, also the player number pn the shirt has gone? I'm on a MacBook Pro at 85% zoom. previous version had no issue? any ideas where I am going wrong??? (screen shot with and without icon labels)
I guess the zoom is causing the error, could you try 100% zoom and check they come back?
I guess the zoom is causing the error, could you try 100% zoom and check they come back?
Same at 100%on the beta it was find and had everything showing at 85%. don't know what I've done wrong


  • Screenshot 2021-11-10 at 19.51.24.png
    Screenshot 2021-11-10 at 19.51.24.png
    1.3 MB · Views: 59
Everytime I click on the "Go to Download" button, it won't let me and pops up the following response, does anyone know what to do?

updated to new version and lost all the transfer info, contract and attributes info and the scout button, also the player number pn the shirt has gone? I'm on a MacBook Pro at 85% zoom. previous version had no issue? any ideas where I am going wrong??? (screen shot with and without icon labels)

That page you're on isn't the Player Overview. Click on the Overview button and ensure you're on "Profile" and not "Attributes". This is FME using Zealand's account. Forgot to log out :p

The club information page still shows the old one. I have cleared the caches and have reloaded the skin.

Ensure you are using v2.00. In the skin dropdown list it will say 2.00 after the name of the skin. Clear your cache when you have done this and reload just to be safe.
Thanks for the hard work and update on this amazing skin! Just one quick question...

What stadium pack is used for new club overview page?
The club overview page takes forever to load, the screen freezes for a good 10 seconds while loading the graphics (never had that happen with 5 other skins). The league table being displayed is wrong for all leagues, as it displays the premier league standings no matter what (tried clearing the cache and reloading). The freezing weirdly happens when the calendar tab is selected (not as bad when displaying finances or the LS11), it might be the league table causing the issue. Please have pictures displayed on the stadiums' pages as well (pic 2). The issue I mentioned above regarding scout reports displaying wrong fitness, contract, transfer status and bans information still persists (Pic 3). Beautiful work incorporating the Last Starting 11 though, you probably are the first one to figure that out this year.
2021-11-10 23_39_44-Greenshot.png
2021-11-10 23_42_08-Greenshot.png
2021-11-10 23_44_51-Greenshot_LI.jpg
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That page you're on isn't the Player Overview. Click on the Overview button and ensure you're on "Profile" and not "Attributes". This is FME using Zealand's account. Forgot to log out :p
🙈what a prat!! sorry to of wasted your time with that, such an idiot! can I set the player profile to be the default when I click on them instead of attributes by any chance? great work on the skin, its awesome

The club information page still shows the old one. I have cleared the caches and have reloaded the skin.

Wonder if you're having the issue I thought I had, I expected it to be the home tab, but its the Club Info tab down near the bottom 🤣 I had a slow morning I think
Any chance we can get ability/potential ratings to show up on player screens when hovering over the i button? Sometimes it appears in the drop down menu but selecting it doesn't do anything and then once you select something else it doesn't appear in the list anymore. Left/Right foot also doesn't show up on it.

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Not sure if this is a bug with the skin or FM generally, but when trying to change the zoom, it doesn't let you pick a custom zoom (like I want to try 90%), when I select it and put the value in, the option goes blank and reverts to 100% when you confirm and reload. Thanks
I love the skin, great job!
The new club overview does not seem to work. I only get the old design. I just downloaded and replaced the skin file, and then tried to both reload the skin and restart FM. Is there anything else that I need to do?
I would also be much better if you could add the skin to Stream. Then it will be updated automatically and easier to manage.
I love the skin, great job!
The new club overview does not seem to work. I only get the old design. I just downloaded and replaced the skin file, and then tried to both reload the skin and restart FM. Is there anything else that I need to do?
I would also be much better if you could add the skin to Stream. Then it will be updated automatically and easier to manage.
Are you looking at "Home" at the top of the left hand side, or "Club Info" down near Finance? I made that mistake clicking Home and expecting to see it there, should be Club info
Are you looking at "Home" at the top of the left hand side, or "Club Info" down near Finance? I made that mistake clicking Home and expecting to see it there, should be Club info

I go to the club, and then "Overview" -> "Profile". This is also the view you land on then you click a club name in the game.
Ok, I got it to work now. When I unchecked the "Use cache" option it changed. I thought the cache would be cleared when you reload the skin... Is that a bug in the game?

I'm using Mac.