Recent content by blatchford85

  1. B

    B.dortmund help please

    Just started as dortmund manager just wanted a couple of tips were are they weakest what postions need better players and any good staff to suggest and what staff to get rid of and wounded kids to get ect o and best formation lol thanks
  2. B

    bayern foward help pls!!!!

    iam in my first season as bayern manager and i have 27m to spend and ?115,000 for wages who should i get ???
  3. B

    why am I such a ******?!

    is any1els bored of me and my stupid threads GET A LIFE SON o sorry it's in caps, I am a ******!
  4. B

    Y Y Y Y Y Y ALLWAYS MESSI !!!!!!

    why does messi allways win the world player of the year i'am in my 7th season as bayern i got falcao in my first season has scored 210 goals for me in 278 games for me i have won the league all 7 years and champions league 3 times and barca have not won there league 3 real and 4 valenica and no...
  5. B

    Do i need the legends ???

    on my bayern save i'am in my 6th season and valdes,ramos,xavi,ronaldo,fabregas and messi are all 30-35 but all still good and all out of contract at the end of the season i dont need any of them really but i can afford to sgin then all my wage budget is £1,000,000 do you think it would be good...
  6. B


    on my save i was giving 54m to spend and 150,000 wages i spent the lot after the transfer window in jan i sold some people and i now i have 70m and 400,00 in wages if i dont spend the money will i get a bigger transfer and wages next season ?
  7. B

    home grown german ???

    on my bayern save i bought a 15 year old from arsenal i thought he will become home grown in 3 years or is the german league differnt from england because on his info its says days to gain nationality 3000 days (countinuously) 404 days conpleted 2516 left and to me thats 8 years 3000 days it...
  8. B

    german HG player qustion?

    on my bayern save i bought a 15 year old from arsenal i thought he will become home grown in 3 years or is the german league differnt from england because on his info its says days to gain nationality 3000 days (countinuously) 404 days conpleted 2516 left and to me thats 8 years 3000 days it...
  9. B

    why no u23 league???

    in my bayern save the first season i had a under 19 and 23 teams in a league now 4 season into it i only have u19 in a league and no u23 its been like that for the last 3 any thougths???
  10. B

    how to prolong a players career???

    on my bayern save gomez,lahm,ribery,robben are all 31-34 they are still first choice but they cant handle a whole 90mins now more does any1have any tips to prolong there career make them last longer ect???
  11. B

    Rangers tranfer ban question

    just started a save as rangers i could buy people for the first two weeks and now rangers have a transfer embargo does any1no when it is lifted???
  12. B

    What sleeping giant to wake up?

    I want to start a new save and was thinking of taking over a team that was massive back in the day and is now a mid table team ie Liverpool Monaco Ajax lyon Valencia ect what one do you think??? Or any other one's I might of miss
  13. B

    quickest time to win a league

    does any1no a country/league that takes the shorts time/amount of games to win the league ???
  14. B

    mega face pack any1???

    has any1got or no of a good face pack that has most of the major leagues england,france,germany,italy,spain ect ???
  15. B

    Bayern u-23 team question

    i have a couple of players that are not in my first team plans but will be next season but dont want them just sitting on the bench and dont want to loan then out so was going to put them in my under 23 team so there away from the first team but was just woundering what are the rules for the...