Recent content by HolyXIII

  1. H

    Win at start of season, lose towards end?

    Hey guys, could do with some insight please :) Basically no matter what team I am, I seem to win huge amounts of games at the start of the season, and then half way through I seem to start losing heavily. i.e. with my milwall team I'm playing with some friends at the moment, I didn't lose a...
  2. H

    Network error message :(

    Heya, quick question. I downloaded FM onto my laptop through steam, without the disk (as I already installed it on my desktop at home). Now I'm unsure if the problem is definately related, but when I am connected to the internet directly (through my port in my uni room) I can join my friends...
  3. H

    FM Gods made me "Cheat" :@

    I've just finished my second season with Arsenal and I've won the quad.. and I'm trying to justify to myself that I didn't cheat... as such... My last 2 games of the season were the FA cup final against Newcastle and the Champions league final against Roma. My first team options are...
  4. H

    Who should be my next squad edition?

    Into my second season with Arsenal, sold a few players for close to 20 mil each (Adebayor, Eduardo, Nasri) And I now have over 70 mil to spend. Wondering what my team needs! My squad as it stands is... Van Persie, Mata, Arshevin, Fleck, Walcott, Albin, Matias Fernandez, Viera, Fabregas...
  5. H

    Away vs Home tactics ?

    I'm Arsenal, doing pretty well, home games I almost always destroy my opposition (beat Man Utd. 4-0). But away games I struggle vs. small teams and never beat bigger teams. Do the tactics really make THAT much difference if your home/away? I saved the game before an away match against Man Utd...
  6. H

    Players Auto-Changing positions?

    Heya, was just wondering if anyone could shed some light on a problem I've been having. I'm several games into my first premiere league season, and suddenly my CF/ST players have started randomly switching position mid game with my DM/AM players. And it's not just once, they do it 4 or 5 times...