I'm in need of a midfielder who can either play on the right or in the centre of midfield i have people in on loan but im in need for a permanent signing. any suggestions?
I Have Been Trying To Get New Kits For My Football Manager And I Have Downloaded Some Off The Kits Section But They Are All Rar Files And Everytime I Open Them It Just Goes Onto Windows Media Player Can Anybody Help Me?
My defence is really poor, and i am looking to get a new centre back, right back and a new left back. i am looking to spend about 10 million on each defender, good enough for a title contending team in the premiership.
I am currently in the January transfer market, and at the moment i am currently lying 7th in the table i have managed to strentghen in all the other positions but the defence ain't doing aswell as i expect them to, so i have decided to get a new player in each defence position, and i dont want...
I am a man united fan, and in the 2 last season's he's made a big improvement, i was just wondering if any one has signed him on fm because i need a strong central midfielder like flecther, will he be a good buy and if you have signed him how much for?
I am Chelsea and i'm coming up to the January transfer market and i am in desperate need of a attacking right midfielder and i want to spend no more than 20 million on him and he needs to be under the age of 28. Please make suggestions, thanks :D