Recent content by j@mie

  1. J

    Download DDDDarRkNeSs 4-2-2-2

    Could send tactic to also to test please
  2. J

    Download 4-4-2 Darkkkk

    I will test this tactic looks interesting
  3. J

    Download EL TURCO - DOCTORE

    Opposition instructions mate
  4. J

    Download EL TURCO - DOCTORE

    Do you use Oi
  5. J

    FM24 - Delicious Zone

    Could you send link to download tactic please
  6. J

    ODESA V.1 by babemocni, destroying Serie a with Genoa

    What side you play lucca on please
  7. J

    Triple Target Forward! 82 Goals with Haaland!

    Any update to this
  8. J

    ODESA V.1 by babemocni, destroying Serie a with Genoa

    Do you use Oi mate
  9. J

    Dragon-Ball MHSC

    Could you put a pic of it in English please
  10. J

    Download Deep Purple - Fiorentina Serie A winner in the first season (0 defeats)

    Did you notice the difference if you never used Oi
  11. J

    Vujevic tactics for FM 24!

    Could I use target man instead of cf
  12. J

    Vujevic tactics for FM 24!

    What tactic mate
  13. J

    Download 4231 CHEAT TACTIC META

    Thanks man will test now
  14. J

    Download 4231 CHEAT TACTIC META

    Do you use any Oi and what about training please