Hey @DDarRkNeSs
I'm testing this tactic now with my West Ham and I really love the tactic so far. I'm using your DDDarRkNeSs 3-4-3 tactic as a backup/away tactic.
I post some pics later after some matches ;)
I felt the same as some of the other users that it had a very hard time...
Can anyone give me a link to a tactic where the attacker / attackers make many goals?
Round, 70-90 goals a season. I have a little experiment I want to test.
Had to share my happiness here at FM-Base!
For the first time in my career as a FM player I finally managed to make my own tactic! It is a simple 4-4-2 tactic made for Man United. I have not tried this tactic with any other team than Manchester United but I think it would work perfectly with...