Hi, im arsenal in first season, bought alou diarra for a CB and also a DM, just bought frey for 10m need to sell almunia, now just need a striker as i know RVP will be injured. Any help i have 5.4m plus almunia to sell and who else do you think i could sell to get cash for a striker, thanks :)
Im real madrid and not really that happy with the team, who should i sell/ buy, i think i really need a AMR and striker and with some extra money maybe a left/right defender, i have been thinking about cazorla as a AMR what is he like? and giuseppe as a striker. Here is how im playing, Back four...
I have played two seasons with my barcelona squad and have been out scored every year by roberto soldado, in the first season he scored an amzing 29 goals in 34 appearences, then he got 25 in 33....has anyone ever heard of him or bought him? or is it just like a one off in my game? thanks sorry...