Recent content by MUFC2810

  1. M

    Do you like this YouTube suggestion feature??? Please respond:)

    Dear YouTube, From my experience of being a serious video-posting member, I find it extremely frustrating and demoralising that I am unable to mass edit my videos. For example, you can delete, add videos to..., change the privacy and now license of all videos by ticking the check box that...
  2. M

    Politician calls Jeremy Hunt: Jeremy C*NT!!! What do you think? I know this should be in the funny video forum, but I think this deserves a thread on its own.
  3. M

    The Masters!

    I've not seen a thread about the golf Masters. Basically post stuff about it! Who do you think will win? Will Tiger play well? Will the Asian players dominate in 10 years time? ---------------- **** auto-spell, I tried to type "players" which got changed to "holders".
  4. M

    What are your favourite adverts/logos of all time? They can be good, bad or funny!

    The other day I was just randomly browsing the web and found reserve adverts with loads of hidden messages in messages in adverts. Here are some that I found: Apparently the advert was released in Australia in the 80s and had been printed over 1,000,000 times before the mistake was...
  5. M

    How to change default/main coach that makes training reports?

    Basically, I have about 50 players in all my squads and at the moment my default coach is a goalkeeping coach who i'm about to sack and who isn't very good. I have one coach who has an average attibutes of 13 (i don't know how he came to League 1) and I want him to do the coach reports. I want...
  6. M

    The crazy FM- Base internet treasure hunt!

    The game is simple, whoever finds a relevent image or video gets to post the next challenge. All you have to do is search the internet! I'll start... Find Arsenal winning a trophy The person who posts a link gets to post the next challenge!