Recent content by ometopi

  1. ometopi

    [WIP] Liberation 532 Vertical Tiki-Taka Libero

    Do you mind letting me know who you're playing as? I'd like to test with different teams and see where certain parts don't work. Just remember that you still need familiarity up and players for the positions. tks!
  2. ometopi

    [WIP] Liberation 532 Vertical Tiki-Taka Libero

    It's called Teal Twenty on fmscout!
  3. ometopi

    [WIP] Liberation 532 Vertical Tiki-Taka Libero

    ometopi uploaded [WIP] Liberation 352 Vertical Tiki-Taka Libero Leave feedback below.
  4. ometopi

    [WIP] Liberation 532 Vertical Tiki-Taka Libero 20.2.4-1343694 (m.e v2039)

    NOTE: This is updated for the latest Match Engine (v2039). The site doesn't seem to show it yet! I began a save with FC Wil 1900 in Switzerland and wanted to try something new. Specifically, I wanted to play with a Libero. Of course, anyone who's played FM understands that finding a Libero can...