Recent content by Shockhorror.

  1. S

    Have you ever had this annoying situation?

    Where a team offers contracts to all of your coaches or scouts. They approach to sign one coach, I give a new contract, then they approach another, bla bla bla. Seriously annoying.
  2. S

    Negative arrows during training

    Does anyone else have the problem where no matter how good the training schedule is and how good the coaches are, there always seems to be more red/orange arrows then yellow/green? I used Tugs training, Holy training and have now started another recommended training schedule, and still am being...
  3. S

    Players described as 'World Class (position)'

    Do you see many of these? I don't understand how a player would be determined as world class. Gokhan Inler was described as a world class midfielder and a lot of his technical stats were very average. Although his mental stats were high. Someone explain please?
  4. S

    Has anyone else found Tugs training poor?

    Ever since I started using it Vagner Love's first touch has gone from 17 to 13. His dribbling has also gone from 15 to 13. I've also noticed decreases in other players, and the ironic thing is the stats that are decreasing are the stats being more intensively trained on.
  5. S

    Opinions on selling Guardado please?

    Real Madrid have just offered £50million. I'm having trouble deciding - as good as he is, it's a lot of money, and I could probably buy another left winger for almost half the price who's around that standard. I was thinking Cristian Rodriguez. What do you think? Keep or sell?