Recent content by Sogarth

  1. S

    Help with Ajax Finances plz!

    Hey guys, i need some help. In real life as in FM 11, Ajax Amsterdam is a public company and has shares for sale. What bugs me is that all my profits from players sales and especially Champions League revenue is given away every year as dividends. Ajax starts the game with roughly 20million...
  2. S

    Agents are thieves!!!!!

    In my fourth season at Ajax, things going pretty well. Despite steadily climbing in the rankings and getting further and further in the Champions League 2 players have come forward this season saying they want to leave. Understandable I suppose, I mange to talk them both into staying, citing...
  3. S

    My Ajax tactic.

    Introduction Ive been an avid follower of FM base, reading and learning about football manager since FM 2007-ish I believe. Ive felt that since around FM 2005 you couldn't simply get by in the game with a tactic made up in 5 minutes and for the longest time in subsequent FM outings I've been...