Recent content by ThePedro

  1. T

    Lucas Barrios - Your Thoughts

    This player is a beast. He scores almost 2 goals per game on my Tottenham save But one of its weakest points is his inconsistency. He can pull a crackin' game, but then like 1 or 2 games after, his score is 6.0/5.7. Overall, i'd strongly recommend him. What is your opinion on him? Cheers :D
  2. T

    Shermán Cardenas

    What happened to him? Do you guys know? Never heard of him since FM 2007. Plus, i can't find him in my game. If you have him in your save, i would appreciate a screenshot Thanks :D
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    Andy Carroll - Your Thoughts

    I'd like to know your opinion on Andy Carroll, because for me he is horrible. He has 2 goals in fifteen games in my Liverpool save. I play him as Target Man - Attack. Lucky me that Suárez has 30 goals in 20 matches ^^)
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    Never Happened To You?

    When you're finding it hard to score on a match, then out of the sudden the opposition scores and the scorer scores his first goal of the season? Of course i'm not talking about the beggining of the season when everybody has zero goals. It's just like the game wants us to lose so badly! BTW...