Recent content by xeno94

  1. X

    Vujevic 3 at back tactics-Torino won SERIA A Spielmacher tactic

    I'm a simple man I see no pace. I spend no money
  2. X

    FM22 gegen-Taka

    Do you have a list/ranking of your tested tactics? Would like to try some of ur best ones
  3. X

    Striker Paradise

    Unselect these. Tactic performs worse (like all tactics without hard tackle), but less yellow cards
  4. X

    Vujevic 3 at back tactics-Torino won SERIA A Spielmacher tactic

    Pretty good so far Took away set pieces, but using reset fitness in the test league. Just wanted the same XI to see how it plays. Pretty good results vs some top teams
  5. X

    Vujevic 3 at back tactics-Torino won SERIA A Spielmacher tactic

    What he means is at the end of the season you should clear your tactics screen (put any random tactic in the slots). Then when the new season loads you load your tactic(s) back into the slots. It's an idea from some forums that this "fixes" the issue of tactics not working after 2 or 3 seasons...
  6. X

    Vujevic tactics with 3 man at back!

    Do you mind explaining it here? I've watched some of the recent Mainz videos and still don't understand why you use certain tactic.
  7. X


    Since this has some good reviews I will also try it out in my journey man save. Currently 2024 taking over Lazio. I will let you know how it goes. Can someone inform me what I should know about this tactic? E.g necessary attributes and what tweaks to make when winning or losing. Thanks
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    playgm StephenHK Tactics FM21

    Has anyone tried the new 424?
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    Paris FC - Coming Out From PSG's Shadow

    @TheNotSoSpecialOne I have a question about the paris fc 2 team. Does your team have an active league? I'm in season 4 and still my reserve team has not entered a viewable league.
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    @Babemocni1988 Do you prefer this to the strikerless zaz/phoenix?
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    So what type of player you choose for WM?
  12. X

    playgm StephenHK Tactics FM21

    Download the delay time tactic
  13. X

    JB 3 in 1 - Tactical Flexibility

    Where's the download for Szebes 4-1-2-2-1 & Mario 4-3-1-2?
  14. X

    4-3-1-2 Benfica Invincibles P34 W34 L0

    @jimmypb What adjustments should I make to this tactic for a underdog team? I'm predicted 19th/20th and I feel this would be more suited for good teams
  15. X

    Phoenix v3.0 by Magician - The 21.2 killer

    Does v5 have better defensive set pieces? Or just attacking