Big Dans Attacking 4-2-3-1

Big Dans Attacking 4-2-3-1 21.2

This is a High pressing, high intensity tactic with attacking mentality.

Defending relatively narrow with Full-backs opposed to wing backs forcing teams to play around the outside and not giving away too much space in the middle.

This allows for quick breaks and with pacey IW's or W's it causes some real damage up top.

The AMC is set to free roam and with good vision and passing stats should provide you with plenty of assists.

In terms of corners I overload the near post with my best headers of the ball, I also ensure the delivery is aimed at that near post.
Something similar for long throws too and my full backs tend to have decent long throw attributes.

I hope you enjoy this tactic as much as I have, I have had great success.

Happy FM'ing :)
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