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Hefna V1 - 3-3-3-1 Asymmetric 113 goals 19 conceded

Decided to upload this tactic after completing 1st season with Liverpool where we stormed the premier league and won the champions league

During the league we won 33 out of 38 scored 113 while only conceded 19 keeping 24 clean sheets with a goal difference of 94

going on to making new records in the league including
most points in a season 103
most league wins 33
most assists in a season 17 with trent
most clean sheets Alisson 24

Tactical Principle's

Solid Defence
Passing focus
High Scoring
Entertaining Football
Attacking Football
Trent as a Regista

Solid Defence

The defensive principles for this tactic are to have a high line with enough pace to cover any passes that split our defence
a narrow shape so that we are tight at the back and any attempts will be forced out wide and then dealt with easily as the cross comes in
aggressive pressing but not to the extent we sacrifice are shape, transition and attacking intent
the structure set up is a 3 man 2 cbs and a wing back that also turns into a 5 man defence when the inverted wing back and ball winner join in

Passing focus

our passing principle's are set out to be in control of the areas we want to be in control of we start from the back and with 2 cb's who's aim is to pass short, a DM ball winning midfielder who is there to offer support in passing when in control and during counter attacking situations and an inverted wingback to help when in defensive situations and to drop in to empty spaces and provide support in attack so there is always passing options to have control of the 1st 3rd of the pitch and a rigista

tactic can now be explained more as stated we are not aiming for a tiki taka pass for the sake of passing, we're not aiming as having 1000's passes a match we are set up to be in control of matches and the opposition but with the intent to hurt the opposition with risk passing trying to force an error but when we cant push through we have our players in positions to shift to the other side of the pitch or to pass back to restart our attack

High Scoring

as stated the aim is to hurt the opposition so we have our striker set out to stretch there defence and look to get on the end of any killer pass or cross
our Shadow striker will exploit space opened up when defenders have tracked our strikers/wingers or wbs
we have 1 inside forward cutting in to attack on the goal 1 winger whos aim is to attack the final 3rd and with the tactic being narrow he can play as a hybrid winger/inverted winger depending on his choice so he can go for goal or to set up 3 forward players ahead of him (striker, inside forward and SS)
if the inital attack doesnt come off our BWM and regista is sitting just behind that attacking 4 (st,if,iwSS) and will look to restart our next attack, look for a killer pass or go for a long shot as stated we are not looking to pass the team to death but looking to control the game and kill the opposition with attacking intent and the freedom to try and make something happen

Entertaining Football

the collection of tactical principle's for this tactic create a team that will comfortable have 50 to 60% possession in matches, majority passing in matches will be 500/600+ from being in control or from counter attacking transitions and 4 main players looking to directly be involved either scoring the goals that will hurt the opposition or assisting and making space for either other attacking players or players running deep.

Attacking Football

with how the team is set up the team massively outscored the rest of the league with
113 goals the next team had a total of 82(2nd) and 77 (3rd)
a goal difference of 94 compared to 30 (3rd) 29 (2nd)
goals against was also only 19 compared to 36 (6th) and 42 (7th)

Trent as a regista

now we all know we will never be able to create that carbon copy of what trent is like IRL, however i feel like this tactic takes advantage of his best qualities he was at his creative best with a total assists in the league at 17 and season overall at 26 and most key passes at 175 compared to the 2nd place with 109 and with a pass completion of 82% and crosses completed at 30%

If anyone has any questions or comments feel free and if you have downlaoded the tactic give me some feedback and let me know how its getting on
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