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NewGAN Facepack

NewGAN Facepack v1.3

NewGAN Manager Update Log for v1.3
  1. Fixed Asian and African South Americans that were misidentified
  2. A popup appears when a new version is available
  3. Better RTF Validation
  4. OS Native Progressbar (app never goes into unresponsive again)
  5. Logging bug fixes (cleaner code)
  6. Shows an error if a subfolder in the facepack is missing to let you know you have to fix it
NewGAN Manager Mac Instructions:
  1. Find the downloaded file, which usually ends up in your Desktop or Downloads folder.
  2. Double-click the NewGAN-Manager-vX.X.X.DMG file to mount it. A new Finder window showing its contents should appear.
  3. If the window also contains a shortcut icon to Applications, drag and drop the app onto the shortcut.
  4. If not, double-click the mounted volume on your desktop and drag the app icon from there to the Applications icon in the Finder sidebar.
  5. In your Finder window add the Football Manager user folder (default: ~/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 20XX to favorites
  6. Move the views/ and filters/ folder to your Football Manager 2021 user folder.
NewGAN Manager Windows Instructions:
  1. Download the Installer, unzip it and run the .msi. Go through the installation process
  2. Move the views\ and filters\ folder to your Football Manager user folder (My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 20XX\)
For those of you that don't want to buy the in-game editor but still want access to natively supported ways of getting a list of all the newgens, you can follow these steps. If you do have the in-game editor, you can skip step 1 by using the pen in the top right and ticking "Show All Players in Search" while on the player search page.

Step 0: Download the filter and place it in %userprofile%\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\filters

Step 1: Create a new manager, they must be unemployed. Unemployed managers see all players and aren't limited by your current team's scouting knowledge.

Step 2: Go to the shortlist tab on the left sidebar, this will by default put you on the Player Search page.

Step 3: Click Edit Search, then the cog in the bottom left. Select Manager Filters... then click Import and select the filter you just placed there.

Step 4: Click the cog again and select the filter, it should be at the bottom.

Don't worry that it says Is Not, that's just how it's meant to be setup even though it doesn't make sense to word it like that.
To download the changes, simply click the download button in the top-right and download the files you need.


If you've already downloaded and extracted the original face pack just download the "FMNEWGANv2 Update 1.7z" .torrent file. If you don't have the face pack already downloaded, download the "FMNEWGANv2.7z" .torrent file, it already has all the updated files.

If you've already downloaded the original face pack, your FM21 graphics folder (%userprofile%\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\graphics) should have the face pack folder called "FMNEWGANv2" or you named it something else. It's important for the face pack to be in its own folder inside the "graphics" folder. If you don't have the face pack already downloaded, make sure that when you extract the .7z file you're extracting it into a sub-folder of your FM21 graphics folder. If you by mistake extracted all the folders in the "FMNEWGANv2 Merged.zip" file directly into the graphics folder, just create a new folder and call it "FMNEWGANv2" and then drag all the folder that you extracted from the .zip file into that folder. Extracting can take a while and will be faster on better computers. The folder name isn't critical, but it must be in a subfolder, ideally named "FMNEWGANv2" in order for there to be no issues.

To install the Facepack Update, extract the "FMNEWGANv2 Update 1.7z" file directly in your "FMNEWGANv2" folder in your FM21 graphics folder. A popup should come up asking if you want to replace files, select "Yes to All".

NewGAN Manager Program

Just download the installer from here or from the NewGAN Manager GitHub Releases Page and install normally. You might get a Windows Defender SmartScreen popup, to get past this just click "More info" and then select "Run anyway".

  • fixed layout
  • cleaned views folder
  • restructured config files
  • fixed packaging (no copying of .config files needed)
  • 37 test cases to ensure the functionality
  • catch not existing RTF/dir while mapping
  • skipping if a nation is unknown

You will need an archive extractor to extract the .7z files. We recommend Peazip but winrar and winzip will also work. Unfortunately, the Windows OS doesn't natively support 7zip compression.


You'll need to use a torrent downloader to download these files really fast. If you don't have one, we highly recommend qBittorrent. You can find it here: https://www.qbittorrent.org/download.php

1. Download qBittorrent
2. Download either FMNEWGANv2.7z.torrent or FMNEWGANv2 Update 1.7z.torrent
3. Watch those crazy download speeds and let your mind blow

If you really really want and oddly prefer slow speeds, you can find some mirrors at the bottom of this page.
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Reactions: unlshd
If you're having issues launching NewGAN Manager, please try this:

1. Navigate to your newGAN directory C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Programs\NewGAN Manager
2. Open app folder and then the config folder
3. Copy those 3 items
4. Go back 2 folders
5. Open config folder and paste