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Tactic Testing League v1

Tactic Testing League v12

consists of 3 test teams:

Top Team all players with a CA and PA of 165
Mid Team all players with a CA and PA of 155
Low Team all players with a CA and PA of 145

these 3 teams will compete in the Tactic Testing League against 15 of the best Nations on FM playing against each other 6 times (102 games in total)

To make the testing as accurate as humanly possible I have made the following changes:

All injuries have been removed and the chances of any new injuries happening have been reduced by 99.99%.

All loans have been removed

All Bans have been removed and players who get sent off will not be banned for next game

Match condition and Sharpness have been frozen.


Make sure "Tactic Testing League v1" is the only editor data file you have enabled

Start a new game

Select Advanced Settings

Select just the Irish Premier League with a small database (see screenshot), The Tactic Testing is a National Competition.

Select the following 3 National Teams to manage, Top Team, Mid Team and Low Team.

Save your game and turn off auto save.

Load the tactic you wish to test into all 3 tactic slots on all 3 teams.

Holiday the game until 26.12.23 with all 3 teams making sure you tick the box "use current match tactics".

Post a link to the tactic you tested (only tactics from FM-Base please) on here.

Post the following screenshots Tactic Testing League Stages and Best XI's for all 3 teams.

I hope this is of use to you as it took a lot of time and effort to create.

PS this is not a tactic testing request thread, I will test a few tactics on here from time to time but it is a very time consuming process and my PC is on its last legs.


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Although I am more than happy with my "Tactic Testing League v1" there were a couple of minor issues that had been bugging me, the issue with people not removing the fake files that made Germany use real players and a very rare bug with the fixtures where some teams did not complete all 120 games so I have been working on the following:

Tactic Testing League v2

Consists of 26 National teams as follows:

1. Germany (163.1 CA)
2. France (163.0 CA)
3. Brazil (161.5 CA)
4. England (161.5 CA)
5. Tactic 160 (all players 160 CA & PA)
6. Spain (159.2 CA)
7. Portugal (159.0 CA)
8. Argentina (155.3 CA)
9. Tactic 155 (all players 155 CA & PA)
10. Italy (154.4 CA)
11. Holland (153.5 CA)
12. Belgium (152.3 CA)
13. Tactic 150 (all players 150 CA & PA)
14. Uruguay (147.9 CA)
15. Croatia (147.1 CA)
16. Tactic 145 (all players 145 CA & PA)
17. Colombia (143.6 CA)
18. Serbia (143.0 CA)
19. Poland (141.8 CA)
20. Denmark (141.7 CA)
21. Switzerland (141.1 CA)
22. Mexico (140.7 CA)
23. Tactic 140 (all players 140 CA & PA)
24. Austria (139.8 CA)
25. Norway (139.3 CA)
26. Nigeria (138.9 CA)

CA = Current Ability
PA = Potential Ability
National Teams have been ranked by the average Current Ability of there top 17 players
Germany are using Russia's template so fake files will no longer be an issue.

The teams will play each other 4 times (100 games in total) this has fixed the fixture bug and the games always get played on time.

To make the testing as accurate as humanly possible I have made the following changes:

All injuries have been removed and the chances of any new injuries happening have been reduced by 99.99%.

All loans have been removed

All Bans have been removed and players who get sent off will not be banned for next game

Match condition has been frozen.


Make sure "Tactic Testing League v2" is the only editor data file you have enabled

Start a new game

Select Advanced Setup

Select the Nation "Tactic 145"

Select just the Irish Premier League with a small database. (you will not be using this league it just runs in the background for the game start)

Select the following 5 National Teams to manage, Tactic 160, Tactic 155, Tactic 150, Tactic 145 and Tactic 140.

Save your game and turn off auto save.

Load the tactic you wish to test into all 3 tactic slots on all 5 teams.

Holiday the game until 26.12.22 with all 5 teams making sure you tick the box "use current match tactics".

Post a link to the tactic you tested (only tactics from FM-Base please) on here.

Post the following screenshots Tactic Testing League Stages (the one with total goals scored and conceded) and Best XI's for all 5 teams (see post 2).

I hope this is of use to you as it took a lot of time and effort to create.

PS this is not a tactic testing request thread, I will test a few tactics on here from time to time but it is a very time consuming process and my PC is on its last legs.


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