I have made a few changes to the faces in this pack due to some of the feed back I got for your comments. They now have clothes on and dont look as feminine a those in the first pack.
I have put some personality into these faces to give you an idea of what kind of player the regen is. Now every time there is a new regen, you can actually look forward to how they look.
First, ensure that "Show screen IDs in the Title Bar to assist skinning" is ticked by going to Football Manager, Preferences > Interface
1.) Find the face you want in the pack.
2.) Find and note the Unique ID of the player you want to have their face replaced.
3.) Put the face in the "graphics" folder in your FM directory.
4.) Rename it the same as your Unique ID.
5.) Run fmXML.
6.) Reload skin in-game.
7.) Enjoy.
Enjoy and I hope you like it.