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“WhoAreYou”Holiday all season No transfers best tactic so far IMO

Bad first test. Will run several more. Bournemouth can easily get 4-7th with 60-70 points in most tests


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    Bournemouth who are you.png
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Bad first test. Will run several more. Bournemouth can easily get 4-7th with 60-70 points in most tests
Problem with Bournemouth is all the players get unhappy with almost all formations unless it’s a 4231.
I have a new test that I will not upload until it works well with Bournemouth xx
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    Forest Who Are You.png
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    Bochum Who Are You.png
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  • Spurs Who Are You.png
    Spurs Who Are You.png
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  • Brentford Who Are You.png
    Brentford Who Are You.png
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Another great tactic bud -
not good enough though on this test. Just to let you know your testing league is fantastic, and is actually keeping FMbase relevant at the moment IMO. (not shooting sunshine in your ****) Although the Volante 4222 looks like its impossible to beat for a rounded tactic.