127 Hours


Jul 28, 2010
Reaction score
Just watched this film.

Almost had me in tears at the end, I was so happy he got himself free lol
Was a pretty good film, not sure if it's something you need to see at the cinema though. Franco was excellent and deserves the nominations he has received at this years awards.

Also, a lot of people seem to be put off by the prospect of a certain scene. But don't worry it's nothing to worry about and don't let the anticipation ruin the film for you.
Was a pretty good film, not sure if it's something you need to see at the cinema though. Franco was excellent and deserves the nominations he has received at this years awards.

Also, a lot of people seem to be put off by the prospect of a certain scene. But don't worry it's nothing to worry about and don't let the anticipation ruin the film for you.

Hang on, you are such hypocrite, you have just issued me with an infraction for spoilers. Yet you have just done one yourself, allbeit a smaller one, it still could ruin the film for someone.
Hang on, you are such hypocrite, you have just issued me with an infraction for spoilers. Yet you have just done one yourself, allbeit a smaller one, it still could ruin the film for someone.

How? The idea of the story is pretty much given away in the trailer, and I think most people who go to watch will be aware of the real life event that occurred to give the idea for this film.
It was quite decent. Franco was good, but I got really bored at times.
Brilliant film, James Franco should win a oscar for it he carried what shouldn't have being a story good enough to make a full-feature film into a thrilling film that had me gripped from start to finish.
Lol i was the exact same mate
really good film i thought, 90 mins of one person and it didnt get boring at all
it was okay, the main strength behind it is its quite an accurate account of what happened, not just inspired by true events
Getting a copy of this next week so i have to wait to then to see it looks pretty good
Would everyone recommend this? I've been weighing it up but it seems like it could become dull with it being a one man show.