iam using my new tactics soon to be updated
Do you leave the mentality on standard?
And what's the best tactic? 1 or 2? Cuz for the moment, i have very mixed results...yep but you can if you like go overload very rigid (6)
And soon it will be 2014 XDiam using my new tactics soon to be updated
comments like this make me ****** 14.2 is hard patch i released 2 tactic to play with for now iam still testing the new tactic wich is tactic 2 having insane results but i testing now with rotherham mediocre has you said about the other tactics so maybe give you little tip on the tactic 2 darkwing ducks maybe the amcs l and r not center edit player instructions put them on shoot less also when watching game play and it looks like ai is getting on top team intructions clear to flanks with this ai patch i have had to make a tactic witch will be called brick wallView attachment 439621 brick wall when winning this stops anything and can still do the odd attack but for now thats all im giving till perfected:wub:does this tactic really exist?
don't mean to be rude but there is no info about the tactic just a couple of screen shots (granted very impressive score lines) but that is all we have.how do we know that an editor has not been used?? the tactic that has been released is mediocre at best.
I cant help but think this is some elaborate scheme to whip up some kind of frenzy within this forum.
now believe me in saying that I hope that it does exist as we can all agree that this current patch is rubbish!
but all I can see is empty promises on this being released!
comments like this make me ****** 14.2 is hard patch i released 2 tactic to play with for now iam still testing the new tactic wich is tactic 2 having insane results but i testing now with rotherham mediocre has you said about the other tactics so maybe give you little tip on the tactic 2 darkwing ducks maybe the amcs l and r not center edit player instructions put them on shoot less also when watching game play and it looks like ai is getting on top team intructions clear to flanks with this ai patch i have had to make a tactic witch will be called brick wallView attachment 454313 brick wall when winning this stops anything and can still do the odd attack but for now thats all im giving till perfected:wub:
comments like this make me ****** 14.2 is hard patch i released 2 tactic to play with for now iam still testing the new tactic wich is tactic 2 having insane results but i testing now with rotherham mediocre has you said about the other tactics so maybe give you little tip on the tactic 2 darkwing ducks maybe the amcs l and r not center edit player instructions put them on shoot less also when watching game play and it looks like ai is getting on top team intructions clear to flanks with this ai patch i have had to make a tactic witch will be called brick wallView attachment 454313 brick wall when winning this stops anything and can still do the odd attack but for now thats all im giving till perfected:wub:
my apologies sir, but posting impressive score lines without a tactic then numerous posts saying you will upload soon ****** me off and im sure im not the only one.
I did infact give you some input I earlier posts. and I have no doubt that you have worked very hard on this but if I can give any tips. don't start a thread about an unfinished/part made tactic.
live the dream!!!
my apologies sir, but posting impressive score lines without a tactic then numerous posts saying you will upload soon ****** me off and im sure im not the only one.
I did infact give you some input I earlier posts. and I have no doubt that you have worked very hard on this but if I can give any tips. don't start a thread about an unfinished/part made tactic.
live the dream!!!
my apologies sir, but posting impressive score lines without a tactic then numerous posts saying you will upload soon ****** me off and im sure im not the only one.
I did infact give you some input I earlier posts. and I have no doubt that you have worked very hard on this but if I can give any tips. don't start a thread about an unfinished/part made tactic.
live the dream!!!