Chrissy Ross

Aug 11, 2012
Reaction score
Since the release of FM14 I have been working on a series of tactics that basically encompass the sort of pressure/possession football, that I see football evolving towards in real life.
The following tactic has the whole team putting pressure on the opposition to attain possession. Once in possession the theory is that the team retains control of the game and the all then works the ball into the box, via crosses or short passing to feet, to achieve goals.
This is a plug and play tactic that works with all teams of all levels. The better the team, the better the results. The rationale behind this being that as the tactic is set to control and retaining possession/pressing, the only tweak that will ever need to be done is select "take a breather" to run down the clock in the team instructions. Seeing as it is simply one click I have not created a new tactic for this.
The tactic also does not rely on creative freedom for players, therefore can work quite well the lower down the leagues you go.
This tactic is also plug and play for home and away. I have tried variance of the D-line etc and the mentality but in all honesty the only version I am comfortable with is the one I am posting.
With regards to results, the in-game editor has made any posts sadly suspect, so I will instead concentrate on giving tactical analysis via screenshots and let all the users post whatever results they wish to judge this tactics success. I always feel that the community as a whole tends to be a good judge of such things. Likewise, if anyone wants to subject this to tests (hiya mantorras) then i'll accept the results no matter how good/bad they are. I will not be releasing tweaks or updates to this tactic. This is the definite version unless an exploit is found.

My thoughts on applying pressure in FM14 can be found in the spoiler directly below;
Hi folks,
This series of articles will basically be my interpretation of tactical concepts and how to apply them in FM14.

The purpose of these articles is to help players understand how to take tactical concepts and adapt them into an FM tactic or series of tactics. I will also include a player guide on how I play the game as well at a later date, to assist those newer to the game with this series. I will post more articles onto the thread, but at the bottom of the opening post I will include the links to the new articles, so that folk can reference them quickly.
The first topic I will address is that of creating a tactic using the concept of pressure as the principle concept.

Real Life application
Now the concept of pressure based tactics is nothing new in football. Since the beginnings of the game, pressure being applied to opponents has been the main defensive concept of most teams. As it is with most team sports, be it American Football, Basketball, Handball, Volleyball, the concept of pressurising the opposition into conceding possession and making mistakes is nothing new.
Pressure has recently become very much an oft quoted buzz word in tactical discussions, mainly due to the success on the continent of Spanish and German teams deploying systems where the whole team undertakes a form of group pressure. In these systems, the whole team pressurises the opposition and generally compresses the space which opposing team can operate in.
Pressure however, like all factors can be graded and applied on various levels. You can have teams which have players that are instructed to pressurise in various situations, but in others, stand off opponents. For example, a fullback may be told to pressurise an opposing winger when they approach a ?red zone? near the edge of the box, but to not lunge in or commit higher up the pitch, instead wait for support. Instructions for teams and players can vary hugely.
FM application
Now what I will try and show you in this section is how pressure can be applied both in team instructions and player instructions.
Before I continue, I have to state that in my opinion, the formation you play, the players you pick and to a lesser extent the mentality you choose, can have no bearing on the teams application of pressure. Team Mentality in particular can present a confusing stance You would assume that a ?defensive? or ?contain? philosophy would adopt pressure, but the interesting part about FM14 is that pressure is something you can choose to apply/amend as you see fit. You will see in the mentality options phrases such as ?reducing space? which allude to pressure, but I feel to make sure this is in effect, you really must manually adapt the team instructions. There is too much ambiguity there for you to be sure. Maybe it is as such in order for you to make these decisions, regardless I will show you how.
In the team instructions there are two real options in terms of applying pressure. One is to ?Hassle opponent?, the other is to ?Stand off Opponents?. There are various tweaks you can implement, but this is really the crucial option to use. Note, your players may close down to the detriment of holding their shape if ?hassle opponents? is chosen. If you want to retain your shape defensively, have your players ?Stand off Opponents?.
In terms of tweaking the tactic more in order to apply this pressure you can consider the following amendments to make in team instructions.
- How deep you sit
This is important because if you want to reduce the space the opposition operates IN then you really need to ?push higher up? the pitch instead of ?drop deeper? or standard. These are essentially your three D-Line defensive line variables. In conjunction with the strategies/mentalities (in game) from Contain, Defensive, Counter, Standard, Control, Attacking and Overload, your D-line will be adapted based on what two options you choose. Basically giving you three different options per mentality on how high up the pitch you want to go. I mention this because people have lamented the loss of sliders, but in effect they have never gone away as the D-Line for example has 18 different points of setting for example.
- Get Stuck in/Stay on Feet
Again, this is a tweak you can apply. Be aware though if you have players constantly pressurising and tackling hard, it is a given your disciplinary issues will be raised, as your players will receive bookings and red cards.
- Tighter Marking
Note, marking is a totally different concept than pressure and a lot of football fans confuse the two. Marking is basically a role designated to a player on if they should be assigned to a certain player or zone. Pressure would be the application of that role. So Tight marking and hassling your opponents may result in players applying pressure but also being dragged away and leaving a hole. To explain this, imagine a centre half tasked with marking a centre forward. The centre forward?s instruction is ?roam from position? so the defender gets dragged deep and a hole is now in the centre.
Choosing a Mentality
Now this is a vital part. You do not have to have a defensive mentality to apply pressure. It is a concept that works with all mentalities. I have for example, created a series of tactics that have attacking mentalities combined with the team being asked to ?push higher up? and Hassling opponents. Combined with player roles that are pressure orientated, I have a team full of defensive/pressure based players, who play in a very attacking system.

Player roles
Sweeper Keeper ? You really need this option if you are choosing to apply pressure because if you don?t you leave your team open to long balls over the top (especially if you are applying a high D-line)
Ball winning Midfielders ? These players are basically assigned to pressurise and win the ball back
Defensive Wingers ? This player?s role is perfectly chosen to apply pressure. Be careful though in not allowing you ***.Man to choose the players as this will more often the not mean a Defensive Winger AML gets an WBL or DL assigned to it, whereas the AML you have may be perfectly suited to the role.
Defensive Forwards ? Again, these players are automatically assigned to close down. Again, do not let the ***.Man choose.
Player Instructions
In amending player instructions to apply pressure you can choose to either ?close down more? or ?close down less?. Like the team instructions, there are individual variables on how tight you wish to choose your players to mark and tackle. Again, remember how these will affect your players behaviour.

Other issues
You need a fit team to be constantly running and applying pressure. This means in games you need to sub players that are tiring perhaps more than those that are not performing.
Also, if you are applying a universal pressure system, if you have one player not doing so ,then the system has a weakness. I would strongly suggest you have all the players follow the same approach. The reasoning being that the AI may suss your flanks or the middle of the pitch is vulnerable. More so if you are playing versus online games.

Tactical Set Up
The purpose of the tactic is to pressurise the opposition into losing the ball high up the pitch. Defending from the front. This is done by making all the players undertake defensive roles. Then once in possession, the ball is retained and chances are hopefully created. By pressurising higher up the pitch, the aim is to harry the opposition into mistakes.

Match Preparation/training/Opposition Instructions/team talks/Morale
I have the players training high intensity in order to learn tactics only. This is so the tactic becomes fluid as soon as possible. Thereafter, I have the players focusing on defensive positioning.
I use no opposition instructions. I have no player filters to offer either, though I have listed extensive player roles later in the article.
When selecting the team, my only advice is select fit players. No one under 95% should be selected. I normally let the assistant manager do so.
I'm loath to go into team talks etc, as that's mainly "how you play the game" and i'm not one for destroying or dictating folks individual experience. I expect a win assertively at the start or tell them to enjoy. If I am not 3 goals goal I tell them aggressively I expect something better in the second half. If they are 3 goals up I tell them passionately I am happy with what they are doing and to keep it up.
Alternatively, Raikan007 on FM-Base has devoted a thread to this area and its well worth reading. All credit of course goes to him.
I will also state that morale is key to this year's version as it has been in recent years.
The article below is excellent in summing up how this works and I would urge all players to read this.
Player Morale & Relationships | Football Manager 2014 Guide
Team Instructions
These are listed below in the screenshots. They are chosen to fit the ethos I have outlined I want the team to commit to. The whole tactic is about compressing the space the opposition have to work in. Hence the high offside line and hassling opponents, coupled with the player roles.
I have chosen a control mentality as I expect my players to win the ball high up the pitch, therefore as soon as they are in possession, I want them to retain possession and control the game.
Choice of player roles
A sweeper goalkeeper and flat back four were chosen to basically do the job of keeping things tight at the back. The fullbacks were set to defend to support attacks only when they were needed.
The MC's are ball winning midfielders. Their sole remit is to attain possession and break up the oppositions play.
The wingers (AML/AMR) are basically defensive wingers. I wanted both to put pressure on the opposing team's fullbacks and again attain possession high up the pitch.
The forwards are both defensive forwards and as such are required to win the ball high up the pitch. I have tweaked them to run into channels so that when we are in possession they suddenly break into space.
All outfield players need to have good natural fitness, pace and stamina relative to the league they play in, to be able to operate in this tactic. The following attributes should be used as a guide for what players will suit this tactic. You can amend these into your own player filters if you so wish. The following is a guide and not gospel.

Sweeper keeper - Defend
- Goalkeeping: Aerial Ability, Command of Area, Communication, Eccentricity, First Touch, Handling, Reflexes, Rushing Out
- Mental: Composure, Concentration, Creativity, Decisions, Positioning
- Physical: Acceleration, Agility, Pace

Full Back - Defend
- Technical: Marking, Tackling
- Mental: Anticipation, Concentration, Positioning, Teamwork, Work Rate
- Physical: Acceleration, Stamina

Central Defender - Defend
- Technical: Heading, Marking, Tackling
- Mental: Composure, Concentration, Decisions, Determination, Positioning
- Physical: Jumping, Strength

Ball Winning Midfielder Centre Left - Support
- Technical: Marking, Passing, Tackling
- Mental: Aggression, Bravery, Determination, Teamwork, Work Rate
- Physical: Stamina, Strength

Ball Winning Midfielder Centre Right - Defend
- Technical: Marking, Tackling
- Mental: Aggression, Bravery, Determination, Positioning, Teamwork, Work Rate
- Stamina, Strength

Defensive Winger - Support
- Technical: Crossing, Dribbling, Marking, Tackling, Technique
- Mental: Decisions, Teamwork, Work Rate
- Physical: Pace, Stamina

Defensive Forward - Support
- Technical: First Touch, Long Shots, Marking, Passing, Tackling
- Mental: Teamwork, Work Rate
- Physical: Pace, Stamina, Strength
Set Pieces
I have amended the set pieces using what I have found on the forums to be the best attacking and defensive set pieces. tomfmlfc from FM-Base deserves all credit for the attacking and defensive corners. Free kicks and throw ins are mine.




Tactical Analysis
The screenshots have comments in them to explain certain concepts.



Other issues
In the game if you get a player booked, sub them. Get a player injured, sub them. Its a good rule of thumb to go buy no matter how early in the game. Save your subs for injuries and covering bookings. When you have a 2/3 goal lead at the 75 minute mark, select "take a breather" in the team instructions and run down the clock.
Also, don't trust the assistant manager to select players all the time. If you have a winger that is not a defensive winger you can still ask him to fulfil that role. Use common sense.

So there you have it. What I consider to be a unique and **** good tactic. This is not to be shared or passed on. I will consider requests for foreign language sites only with my express permission and consent. This tactic will only be posted on The Dugout (my FM home), FM-base and the official forum.
I have made this clear from the outset. Consider all consent to be refused otherwise.

Any questions, feel free to PM me or message myself on the thread. I have tried to make the opening posts as informative as possible and I will try to answer any reasonable questions. I am on The Dugout more than FM-Base and the official forum. If it is an urgent question, you can always reach me on my twitter @Chrissy_Ross_
Thanks for reading and cheers for posting etc.
Best of luck.
Nice to see the first person asking a question didn't even get past the introduction. Exceptional, credit it to you, I normally expect something mentioned halfway through or near the end of the opening post to be ignored, but you've won the soggy biscuit for that one.
Excellent work , I have something similar going on now with Cardiff but with a very fluid style. I will give this a spin and as always excellent work bro. 8-|
Can you tell me if you have tested tis with any team so far? Im just curious if you did a top tier vs underdog test.
I see that the tactic is made to fit a more "underdogish" team
Good theories but let's see how it translates in game.

So far 2 draws with Leeds and fluid tactics. Very high possession but conceded 8 CCCs against Charlton which is not looking so good. But will try more games. Cheers
Against a flat 442 it fits almost 1on1s in the defensive transition and thus allows for easy combinations between opponent's attackers...
I think the opening post explains how the tactic works. Please enjoy debating the tactic on this thread. I don't have the level of alcoholism required to answer some of these questions.
I've been testing cause i was fascinated by the defensive concept. the results are ok, not great, but the idea is awesome, and it works! kind of resembles a pressure like dortmund-atl madrid... keep it going ;)
The tactic works well enough. Its a good base tactic for teams with no exceptional flair players or AMC's.
I'm using this tactic and it is performing very well for me. For away games I've dropped the two CM down to DM and changed the mentality to Counter. This worked so well that I decided to use DM on the home (original) tactic aswell. I'm also using both Attacking and Control mentality, depending on the opposition.

So with these tweaks I now finally have a tactic set that works very well!

Thank you for this Chrissy Dude!

Edit: - On my away tactic I've also set both central defenders to Cover duty..
- On my home tactic I've set the left DM to "Deep lying playmaker"
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Nice to see the first person asking a question didn't even get past the introduction. Exceptional, credit it to you, I normally expect something mentioned halfway through or near the end of the opening post to be ignored, but you've won the soggy biscuit for that one.

I think the opening post explains how the tactic works. Please enjoy debating the tactic on this thread. I don't have the level of alcoholism required to answer some of these questions.

What a *****. Hey, you piece of ****, how about you stop pretending being so cool, if you opened a thread about a tactic you created and can't be bothered answering a few simple questions you can go **** yourself and take your piece of **** tactic with you and shove it up your ***, ******* ******.
What a *****. Hey, you piece of ****, how about you stop pretending being so cool, if you opened a thread about a tactic you created and can't be bothered answering a few simple questions you can go **** yourself and take your piece of **** tactic with you and shove it up your ***, ******* ******.

Post like that again and I will permanently ban you.
Ethan, I fail to see how anyone who posts a tactic is obliged to answer any posts made after the opening post.
This isn't a job and no one is under any obligation to "answer" anything. Especially when folk are so
lazy they can't be bothered getting by the first paragraph. Hence the sarcasm.
As for everything else you typed. Get a grip. The keyboard warrior attempt is truely cringeworthy on every level.
What a *****. Hey, you piece of ****, how about you stop pretending being so cool, if you opened a thread about a tactic you created and can't be bothered answering a few simple questions you can go **** yourself and take your piece of **** tactic with you and shove it up your ***, ******* ******.

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Note I didn't deny being a ******. He's got me on a technicality there.