Apr 2, 2015
Reaction score
Well Diamonds really a managers best friend? Well I'm starting to think they could well be.

A Little insight to me, I have been playing this game for far more years than I can remember but have always struggled to maintain and create a tactic of my own, until now. Now I do not claim that it is a finished article but its getting there. As the title suggests it is a diamond formation with a flat back four.

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I wanted to create a narrow formation that just hounded to opponents backline, I thank I have achieved that. More than one player is normally sprinting to close down the ball.

I wanted short one/two touch movement from the from 5, yeap they work well together as the front 5 to win the ball back and then counter at pace high up the pitch.

The football being played with this tactic is a joy to watch, the passing, the movement & the pressing is just how I wanted it to be.

I know it can be better and that is where I am struggling a little bit. This is why I have decided to share this with you all now before my season has come to an end, to see if any little tweek here and there can improve this at all.

Now for all the info that no one reads and gets asked none stop in every tactic thread.

Opposition Instructions - Its your game do what you feel is right, I will not answer on this!
Training - Its your game do what you feel is right, I will not answer on this!

Last thing just a few screen shots of the season so far.

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Please ask away on anything, apart from Training and Opp Instructions (Real pet hate when all I see is What Opp In, What training, you got player filters etc)

The Link it's self

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