Hello everyone ! I just wanted to show you my tactic with Liverpool...I rely on a very aggressive and attacking game on the whole football field.The most important thing is to have a very fast players ! Success is simply guaranteed ! For five seasons I managed to win absolutely everything ! GOALS,GOALS,GOALS !!!!!
Here are the individual instructions for each player...
Goalkeeper - Pass it shorter,Distribute to full backs,take short kicks,slow pace down...
FullBacks - Shoot Less,Drible More,Tackle Harder,Stay Wider,Run wide with ball,Close Down Much More,Cross From Deep (Faster,Good Crossing and Dribble,Very Good Physical)
CentreBacks - Close Down Less,Easy tackles,Mark Tigher,Pass it shorter
WideMidfielders - Drible More,More Direct Passes,More Risky Passes,Cross from Byline,Sit Narrower,Cut Inside,Close Down Much More (Faster,Awesome Technique) Swap Position !!!!!!!
CentreMidfield - (Very good defending attributes and very good attacking)
AP - Dribble More,Tackle Harder,Close Down Less
CM - Shoot less,More Risky Passes,Close Down Much More,Tackle Harder
Strikers - Shoot Less,Close Down Much More,More Risky Passes and SWAP POSITION !!!
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Here are the individual instructions for each player...
Goalkeeper - Pass it shorter,Distribute to full backs,take short kicks,slow pace down...
FullBacks - Shoot Less,Drible More,Tackle Harder,Stay Wider,Run wide with ball,Close Down Much More,Cross From Deep (Faster,Good Crossing and Dribble,Very Good Physical)
CentreBacks - Close Down Less,Easy tackles,Mark Tigher,Pass it shorter
WideMidfielders - Drible More,More Direct Passes,More Risky Passes,Cross from Byline,Sit Narrower,Cut Inside,Close Down Much More (Faster,Awesome Technique) Swap Position !!!!!!!
CentreMidfield - (Very good defending attributes and very good attacking)
AP - Dribble More,Tackle Harder,Close Down Less
CM - Shoot less,More Risky Passes,Close Down Much More,Tackle Harder
Strikers - Shoot Less,Close Down Much More,More Risky Passes and SWAP POSITION !!!
View attachment 72680View attachment 72679View attachment 72678
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