4-4-2 benfica WON CHAMPIONS LEAGUE BACK TO BACK 2020-07-21

A imagem não corresponde à tática

The image does not match the tactic
you are right,
A imagem não corresponde à tática

The image does not match the tactic
you are right, im going to change the file, thanks for noticing.
The only difference is winger are not attacking, but even attacking gave me great results
This is the one im using but the one i posted works pretty much similar. I just prefer wingers to try to cross more often. But both tactics work great for me.


  • 442 benfica.fmf
    43.6 KB · Views: 814
Meu caro você escreveu "
Primeira temporada, compreendendo Cavani em janeiro. Veja todas as competições (5), derrotando Liverpool, City e Barcelona na
Liga dos Campeões. "Qual é a táctica que ganhou em Liverpool, em City e em Barcelona?
você escreveu "

Primeira temporada, composta por Cavani em janeiro. Veja todas as competições (5), derrotando Liverpool, City e Barcelona na

Liga dos Campeões. "Que tática você ganhou contra o Liverpool, o City e o Barcelona?
Meu caro você escreveu "
Primeira temporada, compreendendo Cavani em janeiro. Veja todas as competições (5), derrotando Liverpool, City e Barcelona na
Liga dos Campeões. "Qual é a táctica que ganhou em Liverpool, em City e em Barcelona?
você escreveu "

Primeira temporada, composta por Cavani em janeiro. Veja todas as competições (5), derrotando Liverpool, City e Barcelona na

Liga dos Campeões. "Que tática você ganhou contra o Liverpool, o City e o Barcelona?
A tactica que postei no coimentario. 442 benfica

played that final with 10 man


Does it work with a slow striker?
never had slower than 13 pace/acceleration. I would say both of the strikers will potentially assist for the other one with crosses. I believe being a complete striker is important, for assisting and finishing. A slow striker wouldnt be optimal, but if he is a good finisher would still work

Semi finals 2nd season. Low possession against better teams, but u will get chances to score. I would like to have some feedback on other teams


  • 442 benfica (guisantos).fmf
    43.7 KB · Views: 2,737
never had slower than 13 pace/acceleration. I would say both of the strikers will potentially assist for the other one with crosses. I believe being a complete striker is important, for assisting and finishing. A slow striker wouldnt be optimal, but if he is a good finisher would still work

Ok, I've got it

Thank for the answer
Hello mate. I kinda have a similar set up for my Everton team in my save and was just wondering if you think it'd work with my team? We have a 5 star reputation and a pretty great squad, just won the league last season and won the champions league the season before that and was just wondering if you think I'd do well if I used this? Also, just wondering how you did in the league, cups, etc etc., just so I have a bit of a better idea for how good this tactic is.

Also do you prefer the wingers on attack or support duty?
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Hello mate. I kinda have a similar set up for my Everton team in my save and was just wondering if you think it'd work with my team? We have a 5 star reputation and a pretty great squad, just won the league last season and won the champions league the season before that and was just wondering if you think I'd do well if I used this? Also, just wondering how you did in the league, cups, etc etc., just so I have a bit of a better idea for how good this tactic is.

Also do you prefer the wingers on attack or support duty?

First season, won everything.(league, cup, league cup, super cup, champions league)


Second season lost the league cup and the european super cup(league, super cup, cup, champions league, world club cup)


keep in mind in portuguese competitions i would rotate the team. Its so easy that i can swap the entire eleven. The squad is good tho, and i like to improve youngsters.

Regarding the wingers, i tried same tactic in braga and had amazing results to using atacking. I swapped for support cause they tend to shoot a lot, and they score, but they fail a lot too. I would rather have as a support role. They still score goals, 5-15 in around 30 games, but this is portuguese league, so in premier maybe less.
If u won league and champions league why do u even want to change tactics? And yes, if you have players to fit the tactic you should give a try. And i like this normal formations like 442 4231 433. Dont like to use those weird formation i see here in the forum, but thats me. Try and tell me how it worked
First season, won everything.(league, cup, league cup, super cup, champions league)

View attachment 512003

Second season lost the league cup and the european super cup(league, super cup, cup, champions league, world club cup)

View attachment 512004

keep in mind in portuguese competitions i would rotate the team. Its so easy that i can swap the entire eleven. The squad is good tho, and i like to improve youngsters.

Regarding the wingers, i tried same tactic in braga and had amazing results to using atacking. I swapped for support cause they tend to shoot a lot, and they score, but they fail a lot too. I would rather have as a support role. They still score goals, 5-15 in around 30 games, but this is portuguese league, so in premier maybe less.
If u won league and champions league why do u even want to change tactics? And yes, if you have players to fit the tactic you should give a try. And i like this normal formations like 442 4231 433. Dont like to use those weird formation i see here in the forum, but thats me. Try and tell me how it worked

Thanks for such a quick response mate. Just was curious and wanted to know how good it was not in the Champions League, I know there are a few tactics that work really well against the top teams but might not be so good against the lower teams that you might play in the league but now I know it seems pretty good. I'll definitely give this a go on my save. Not easy doing all that with Benfica, never been able to quite get over the line in the Champions League with a team outside of one of the top 5 leagues.

Yeah I just have the players that suit it well and kinda like just switching up my tactic, even if its slightly, every few seasons so the AI can't adjust and adapt to it too much. I did win the league but my team scraped through a lot of games and didn't actually play well in a lot of games despite getting the wins. Just want a tactic were my team actually seems to play well and win.

Get what you mean about some of those weird formations with players all over the place and having 2 at the back and stuff like that. Seem to be very succesful for a lot of people but I do prefer the standard traditional formations myself as well.
Vou utilizar com o meu Sporting ?. eu depois edito este comentário com os resultados.
amazing tactic, first season bournemouth plugged and played straight away, currently fighting for 1st position, strikers counter attack and link up so well, love this tactic anyone wanting a 442 use the benfica guisantos ver
amazing tactic, first season bournemouth plugged and played straight away, currently fighting for 1st position, strikers counter attack and link up so well, love this tactic anyone wanting a 442 use the benfica guisantos ver
thanks for the feedback. which one are u using? atacking wingers or support? post some screenshots when you finish so i can have an idea of the results. Thanks ;)
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