Hey Harriers,
Thought I'd come back with some feed back and how it looks so far. So far I have to say the tactic is performing rather well, had a few losses but nothing over the top. Also I have lost a few key players. Defoe, Van Der Vaart, King, Modric.
It is now totally fluid and perfeorming well and I am 2nd in the league as you will see in the screenshots. I have only made one signin Hulk who performs exceptionally as the Advanced forward, with that said I like how you have it set up that the forwards swap sides on ocassion and it confuses the opposition defense. At least it has in my experience. It's nice to be doing well in Europe too
I have not tweeked anything as honestly I am very wary of doing so and I don't truthfully feel it needs too much adding to it. I mean no tactic is going to win all the time, so I don't have unreal expectations.
The fluidity in attacks is quite amazing, and the passing is rather snappy which is a style I really like.
If I had one critisim it is the fact that we tend to give away late goals, silly goals but again I believe this is fairly universal and not a true reflection on the tactic itself. And I need to sort out my defence too..working on it, but I have to wait as my board are rather tight with funds.
Overall really enjoying playing with your tactic keep up the good work and if you find any enhancments yourself I'll try them out for you too. I'll update again at the end of my season.
But anyway I won't bore you with more words, I'll post the screenshots and let you see for yourself.
Hope my feedback helps and thanks again for the awesome tactic.