
Feb 18, 2009
Reaction score
Having taken over Dorchester in bss and found their squad to be extremely poor and with little money for wages and given odds of 2000-1 on league success. I went about devising a tactic that would keep them in the league and maybe get a little success.

I plumped for a 451 to start with but that never panned out so reverted to the trusty 442. I set it up (with the help of ttf docs) in a global theory but a little more attacking. I have used low creative freedoms as with these players simply kicking the ball in a straight line is a major achievement. I also have not used forward runs often at all as I find they keep the ball better. Also very few are making alot of through balls also in an attempt to keep possesion (and pace of front men is that of a sloath).

As you can see from screenshots not doing too badly and goals seem to come from midfield a fair bit. Not saying this is greatest tactic ever devised but works for me and may work for you too.