A few minutes of your time.


Aug 13, 2009
Reaction score
Hi everyone

I've been a long-time FM player, viewer of this forum and some-time poster. Could I ask for a*brief minute of your time to fill out the below survey for a new online football apparel business I'm aiming to start.

I haven't had a minute to get back posting recently with all that's going on with the business/work etc - I'll try to get back to posting after everything has settled!

Any completed surveys are much appreciated and if this is in the wrong section feel free to move it mods!

Route One Football Survey


Gawa Ram
alright I filled it out. Tho you should mention for anyone under 16 there is no age option for them
done, I noticed in the leagues you did not include the English Premier Division lol
Done. As a frequent purchaser of football shirts from many different countries, I will be interested to see where your business venture goes. Good luck
Done, hope your business goes well :)
You have the Polish and the Slovakian league as options, but no Danish. Son, I am disappoint :p
done, on the last question i like to wear retro kits so strongly disagree
also i 2nd that i'm 14 so just ticked 16-whatever it was
Done it mate i said im between 16-25 but im under that..hope it wont effect it
But i like wearing Madrid jerseys with the likes of Raul,Guti,R.Carlos,Beckham so on,I hope you will not just have new jerseys oh and i like long sleeved better than short sleved