A new corner routine

so how i will know the correct positioning for it? :(

This is how I would set it up:


How ever take a note of this from the creator, so who ever fits this the best, switch him out with the cornertaker and put AMR in instead of him:

"[h=2]A good corner taker is a must[/h]The positioning of the players at corners is just one element of the total sum that makes up a succesful corner-routine. Besides placing your players in key positions within the oppositions penalty area, you are also going to need some sort of delivery system, basically a player who can actually kick the ball quite accurately towards one your own men in the penalty area. For me, a good corner taker should possess the following attributes:

  • Anticipation; (how accurately can said player predict the movement of other players);
  • Corners; (how accurately can said player deliver the ball to its intended destination);
  • Composure; (how well can said player perform under pressure);
  • Decisions; (will said player make the right call under the circumstances he is in);
  • Vision; (how many options can said player distinguish on the pitch).
When I am looking for someone to take the corners, these are the attributes I look for."
Let me know if it works I am not testing it myself :)
1st match....7 corners not even a small chance ..seems pretty bad...or i dont know ..maybe the positioning is so bad ....its very strange when someone posts and have a not normal formation to work it ..anyway
1st match....7 corners not even a small chance ..seems pretty bad...or i dont know ..maybe the positioning is so bad ....its very strange when someone posts and have a not normal formation to work it ..anyway

Try and train Att.set peice and see how it goes the next 10 games
Well 3 match no goal via corner, i am considering switch back to tff's set up sience seems the best in the forum board atm
the guy on the far post takes my corners not the guy attacking and leave best long shot on edge of box hope this works
the guy on the far post takes my corners not the guy attacking and leave best long shot on edge of box hope this works
at the pic i see DL is lurking outside area....but i already tested both of u said. 1 goal in 8 matches :/ dont know what is going wrong w/e
May i ask something. Which of set up are more effective . the routine that this guy created at 28 february or this? coz i searched for set pieces i found these articles . :) if anyone can help if have tested already :)

btw Chrissy i dont have fav team to have the best test to set pieces ect...i am in lower divisions ,and sorry if i ask a lot..i just asked for some help :)
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