OMG !!! You won with Juventus and OM !!! Great things !
So....i see you think you are something special ...You want to do network game? You pick a team put your best tactic and i pick a team put Vujevic or GYR tactic and see what happens ?
The catch is...if you finish more than 10 points behind me ,you delete your thread ?
Two guys already did that so you can be lucky number 3.
I just had enough with guys pouring out 30+ tactics ...test them on holiday and call them great ...
Put a default tactic on OM ...sim the season and see how they produce the same results as your "great" tactics ...
First all learn how to read, second tell me where i call my tactics great, if you can't understand the difference between those, be quiet in your corner. Ok, please show me your run with default tactics, getting possession over on average 60% and better results.
Once you're done send me the game file so we see what you doing there

You're the one that sound like you are something special around, if you can't win meta tactics i guess it's your problem.
So, once you are done with those things, i will gladly accept your challenge. We can even play Roma and Lazio so we have some fun out of there
And please, show even the results with default tactics aka preset, since clearly you have no clue what you talking about it's even funny at this point.
I showed you with laziopecorari how i can even go cleansheet.
Tell me a default tactic that you want me to run on om/juventus and we gotta see. Your problem that your overall understanding is so little that you don't even know what RNG means.
If you were half smartass like you pretending you would've noticed that i posted out off-meta tactics.
At least stay quiet you are ridicolous at this point.
P.S. i am not even posting here, i was just affascinated about how a random was putting me next to josh tactics. Since the one that it is using clicks baits it's not even me.