Feb 22, 2011
Reaction score
25th July 2005
Ninnian Park

For most players the friendly against Torquay United Reserves was just another friendly.But for me it was life-changing.It was a game that would change my life for ever without me even knowing about it.
It was a wet summer's evening in South Wales.We were playing in front of about 70 people.Mostly scouts.I was a 6ft 2in striker with decent pace and a brilliant right foot.I had brilliant vision and great passing skill.I was agaist 2 brickwalls of centre backs.Despite it only being a friendly they played at their best and tackled fiercely.

The game was dull a midfield battle.They tried powering through our defence but the lads stayed strong.Aaron Ramsey won the ball and played it over the defence for me I ran after it.It was closer to the centre back but I still beat them to it.I was one-on-one with the keeper.I pulled my leg back for the shot I had to score!The centre back wrapped his legs around mine and twisted until....crunch!I was on the floor writhing in pain when the ref showed the centre back the red card.I saw the paramedics run onto the pitch and I felt them lift me on the stretcher.Before I blacked out.​
Not a bad start, to let you know you got 1 extra n in Ninian Park ;]
24th December 2010
Parents house

As I sipped my sherry in front of the familiar fireplace in my parents home in Cardiff I thought of years gone by.Although it was almost 5 and a half years ago I could remember it in detail.And most disturbing of all the crunch.Since then I'd been to university and got good grades an A+ in English Littérateur and I was now earning almost minimum wage as a teaching assistant.I was renting a crappy flat in well not exactly the best part of Cardiff. I was promised a brilliant career in football but if you looked at me now you wouldn't know it.

30th July 2005
Llandough Hospital,Penarth

I'd been in hospital for 5 days and with my leg in plaster I knew my playing days were over.Despite team mates (and just mates) coming to cheer me up I just couldn't bring myself from depression.Football is all I ever wanted and now I couldn't play it.How is that fair!There was a no alcohol rule in place at the hospital.But I knew how to get round it.The vodka in the water bottle trick.When I'd been brought my first bottle I was a bit edgy but after a long swig of it I just though "Oh f*** it" and drank the whole bottle in 15 minutes.The worst part of the hospital is how depressing it feels.It's blank white walls it's unsmiling doctors,people all around in unimaginable pain.They place stank of misery and I was in the middle of it.My parents had brought my laptop with my mother crying due to my pain.Despite my injury I was still in love with football I couldn't get away from it I was still in my football short and as my manager came in to tell me what I already knew he told me to keep it.​
keep the story going

It's starting just like most of the stories on here though - Star Player hurts himself and then goes into management. The grammar isn't great either, write it up in word first then paste it on over here. Would make it much easier to read.

Not a fan of the weird format of the layout - try some different things till you find the right groove.

I don't have much to give you in the way of positives at the moment since this is only the beginning - would be interesting to see where you end up with what club etc. If you are going to stick to the welsh theme there is a challenge I set up called the Gary speed tribute challenge you can link it to that if you are going to be a manager of new port or something.

As a good suggestion however, it would be kinda cool if you don't become a manager right away. Become an assistant manager - yeah you wouldn't be playing the game but it would give a little bit of a different view on the way into management. Be a coach or something, follow a team with an unemployed manager (in game) and post updates on certain activities. That could be very interesting - then after a few seasons you could get a job offer as a lower league team manager through your experience.

Keep the story going though.
keep the story going

It's starting just like most of the stories on here though - Star Player hurts himself and then goes into management. The grammar isn't great either, write it up in word first then paste it on over here. Would make it much easier to read.

Not a fan of the weird format of the layout - try some different things till you find the right groove.

I don't have much to give you in the way of positives at the moment since this is only the beginning - would be interesting to see where you end up with what club etc. If you are going to stick to the welsh theme there is a challenge I set up called the Gary speed tribute challenge you can link it to that if you are going to be a manager of new port or something.

As a good suggestion however, it would be kinda cool if you don't become a manager right away. Become an assistant manager - yeah you wouldn't be playing the game but it would give a little bit of a different view on the way into management. Be a coach or something, follow a team with an unemployed manager (in game) and post updates on certain activities. That could be very interesting - then after a few seasons you could get a job offer as a lower league team manager through your experience.

Keep the story going though.
Thanks for feedback.Don't have word so that would be a bit tricky.
I'll try some different layouts

16TH JULY 2011

After player-coaching part-time at local club Ely Rangers.I was now without a job for the summer. Ely don't really have pre-season being a Welsh Second Division side. I'd been offered another contract with The Griffins which I'd been given a week to sign. After a few months with Ely I wanted more. I wanted to get back in football.I wanted to be.... a manager! I'd been told that the life as a manager was tough.But you don't get anywhere without trying! Of course my cv wasn't great but it isn't exactly awful. But with a job player-coaching job at Ely Rangers and a playing role at Cardiff City I felt I could break into a management in a big way. I checked my e-mails (as I do each day). I found this.
Wrexham FC Job offer 10 a.m

Dear Matthew Hawkins
We at Wrexham football club have decided to let assistant manager Brian Carey leave the club. We need a replacement to fill the gap and we feel you fit it perfectly. Current manager Dean Saunders also wants to leave so we would like to place a clause into your contract that you would take over as manager of the club should Dean leave. Please come up to Wrexham to sign.
Ian Roberts

Well then. Not many people can boast things like that appear in their inbox. I got my car keys and ran to the car. But I'd forgotten one thing. Clothes! I had ran out in front of my neighbours in my pyjamas and thoroughly embarrassed myself I quickly ran back inside and opened my wardrobe. Nothing suitable to wear. I decided to go into town to get a suit. I got a decent one and bought a red tie to make an impression. I then went to my car and started the long drive to Wrexham.

I arrived in Wrexham at half past 1 ready for my meeting with the board. I walked in and was immediately greeted by a man
"Aaaaaah you must be Mr.Hawkins please come this way" he said shaking my hand I followed him into an office.
"Please take a seat" he said and I sat. "I am Ian Roberts and I would like you to be assistant manager at Wrexham FC" he said sliding a contract across the desk.
It said that I would be earning £675 per week for the next 2 years along with a clause saying I would become manager if Dean left.
"Any objections?" Mr.Roberts asked
"No" I replied and I signed on the spot
"Thank you Mr.Hawkins we have booked you into a B&B be here at 9:00 a.m tomorrow. I signed and lef the stadium for the Bed and Breakfast.

As I woke the following morning I was met by a newspaper
It looked like I wouldn't be an assistant manager any more. It looked like I'd be the manager.

I like it - Gives the story much more depth. Although I would have liked to see you play out the assistant role a bit longer, even if it were just written and not being played (could have played as the manager for the fm side of it but written it from the view of the assistant manager)

I'm glad you didn't get discouraged by my feedback. The story is miles better and an interesting read now. Good job mate.

Like i said before - there is a challenge set up for "welsh managers" that you can link this wrexham save to, give the save two advantages to play it! Give it some thought.

Good job.
17TH JULY 2011

As my battered old Ford Capri rolled into the car park.I began feeling nervous these were professional footballers for god's sake I was an ex-hopeful and as I spotted Audis I was doubly nervous.I walked wait scrap that staggered out of my car.No!I thought I wasn't about to let nerves get the better of me.I was the manager and if they couldn't accept that then tough I'm the boss.I walked into the stadium and was met yet again by Ian Roberts
"Come with me" he said gruffly I followed him into a boardroom
"Gentlemen" he announced "here is our new manager Mr.Matthew Hawkins we will unveil him to the media later this afternoon.First order of the day.Mr.Hawkins what are your aims for this season?"
"I feel I can push for a play-off position"
"In that case you will be given £50k transfer budget and a £28k wage budget.Now to the next order of call
After that it was all finance which has never interested me.I was utterly bored and was relieved when I was told to go with Ian Roberts to the press conference.I sat next to Ian Roberts at a long table with only us two and someone else a press officer perhaps?
"Welcome ladies and gentleman.Thank-you all for coming.And now without further ado I would like to announce our new manager Welshman Matthew Hawkins." a polite round of applause before questions.

Reporter-"First congratulations Mr.Hawkins is it true that Saunders left because of your appointment as his assistant?"
I looked at Ian he nodded
"I feel that Dean's respect to both me and the club was unacceptable.I know I am not like Brian Carey but I'm no walkover"
Reporter-"What are your aims with Wrexham"
"I feel I can guide them to the play-offs"
Reporter-"Any news on the assistant manager front?"
"I have spoken with some people"
Reporter-"Any names?"
"You'll know when everyone else knows"
Reporter-"Any transfer targets?"
"Andy Morrell is getting on a bit so perhaps someone experienced to partner him up front.I feel that only one player could fill the void left by Mangan and that is Pablo Counago."
Reporter-"Thank you"
And with that it was over.

Could this man become a Wrexham player
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