
Feb 25, 2009
Reaction score
im in my 1st season imac i got pato and i need someone to go with him aswell i got 34 million to spend and i can stretch that i tried to get bojan but he rejected my contracted (do you know how to get bojan any help will do)
What team are you?

Assuming your using 9.3 Bojan wont leave Barca till a few season in.
How have you got 34 million at the start of the game with Milan? They only have 8m to start with
im in my 1st season but i havent completed the season and u get a cash injections well thats what i got anyway but im real focused on getting a striker and not my cash
Sorry just read the thread name!

If your after a target man Cardozo from Benfica is a good and cheap signing.

You could also try and get Aguero from Athletico but I doubt you'll have enough.

But tbh your best bet would be Vagner Love. Scored LOADS of goals for me when I was Madrid and can get him for around £15/16m.
get paloschi from parma. you can buy the other half of his contract for less than £1million. if you play him week in week out he is quality
ok i will look at him but hes co owned with parma and me so i cant buy him till the end off the season
benzema mate all the way, prob cost around 28 2 30 mill but he's worth every penny,
get laurito!
with a couple of months playing he is an absolute goal making machine
or you could always buy benzema
yeah i might sign him but im keeping tabs on him and benzema