
Sep 11, 2010
Reaction score
I'm playing a second season with West Ham - at the Premier League - and I have bought Adam for a couple of millions. I'm wondering why is he playing so poor. I know that I have played just a few matches (7 or something), but still. Does he suits to the role I gave him (wide mid on attack)?
6,52 in five league matches with no assists or goals. Maybe I'm just freaking out, but now he's playing for reserves.
Inside Forward on right wing, hes left footed - play amazing in 4-5-1.
But where do you play him ML, MR, AML, AMR ? Plus he is new at the club. Talk to him,let him sit out 5-6 games and then give him another chance and lots of encouragement.

In my experience players really up their game about after half a season at the club. Before that they can perform well but often lack consistency.
Left midfielder in a flat 4-4-2. Wide midfielder on attack.
Inside forward in the AMR position, hes playing well for me in my first season with City.... Don't get me wrong, he's not the greatest player on the game but he does a job
Left midfielder in a flat 4-4-2. Wide midfielder on attack.

Play him as a winger on attack duty. It should encourage him to get forward and cross more. And I'd try to push him forward to the AML position.
Play him as a winger on attack duty. It should encourage him to get forward and cross more. And I'd try to push him forward to the AML position.

Lots of different opinions on here but this is the one to go for mate....Maybe even think about making him an inside forward on the AML, in real life thats what he does, always cutting inside
Lots of different opinions on here but this is the one to go for mate....Maybe even think about making him an inside forward on the AML, in real life thats what he does, always cutting inside

Thanks for reminding me, he had a hand in 30+ goals a season until he was 35 as an inside forward AML on FM11.
I am playin as Arsenal and i have jus bought adam johnson. He hasnt arrived as yet but i beleive he will be a good player for us.I got him at 6 mil from city . And i will be rotatin him and gervinho on that aml postiion in a 4 1 2 2 1 formation.
When you guys sign new players. Do u jus throw them straight into the first team or do u groove them in gradually?
I signed him on one of my saves and he is a hit and miss signing imo. Too inconsistant with his performances and moans when he doesn't play all the time.