Addick-ted - A Charlton Athletic Story


Jul 13, 2010
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Breaking News

Charlton Athletic have removed Chris Powell from his position of manager, following recent reports of his involvement in the London riots, in August of last year.

Mr Powell is currently undergoing investigation for reportedly stealing boxes of T-Shirts and shorts from Sports World in Charlton. The Old Bailey heard today from Mr Powell that "the club was running low on training gear for the lads" and that he "took advantage of the opportunity".

Reports suggest Charlton are seeking an immediate replacement, so they can continue their push for promotion from League One this season.


Slater Assures Fans

Michael Slater, Chairman of Charlton Athletic, let's supporters of Charlton Athletic know, that the absent seat left by former manager Chris Powell is close to being filled, with the announcement of a new manager expected in the next few days.

Michael Slater said at a press conference today "I wish to let eagerly awaiting supporters, that following the removal of disgraced manager Chris Powell, that the managers seat is very close to being filled. That is all I have to say at this moment in time."

Rumours suggest that fan favourite Matt Holland could be in line for the job, as well as West Brom coach Dean Kiely. However, Charlton are playing their cards close to their chest with this latest managerial change and it's becoming hard to tell who will be spearheading the Addicks push for promotion this season.


Charlton Press Conference

Charlton Athletic have called a press conference today, let's go live to Chairman Michael Powell.

MP - "I am pleased to annouce that Charlton Athletic football club have made a decision on the new manager of the club. We understand that a lot of you have been waiting, anticipating if you will, who will be brought forward as our new manager. The club has been given a bad name in the last few days and it was the only sensible option for us to remove Mr Powell as manager. Now, I won't keep you all waiting any longer, I wan't to keep this short and sweet and get straight to the point. And for those of you that are wondering, no the manager is not the gentleman sitting to the left of me who highly resembles Bob Hoskins. The person I have chosen is a gentleman called Martin Blessing. I have admired his abilities for many years and I am very pleased to welcome him as the manager of our Football Club."


"****. I was stirred. I got the news from a phone call as I was in the Rose of Denmark pub, having a pint of Guinness and a cigarette. I was left dazed, day-dreaming, staring at the floor for what felt like seconds, but could have been half an hour. I'd forgotten about the cigarette. It burned itself until un-smokeable. I didn't care, I stubbed it and went back inside. People were looking. Whispering. A local walked up to me with a dazzled look on his face.

"I've heard the news! Is it true?!" He screeched.

I saw Sky News on in the background.

"News travels fast I see..." I said. Staring at the TV.

"You really are in cuckoo land aren't you? That's SKY news on the TV..." He mocked.

I suddenly remembered, I had been given the job of Charlton not Chelsea. Nevermind. I brushed past him and jumped on the bus home. I needed a lay down this was all too much for me. My head had filled with strange thoughts. I was only managing a Sunday League team two days ago, now I'm being given the task of promoting a club to the Championship. I slept, but not for long. My phone was ringing.

"Hello" I croaked.

"It's Michael, I just wanted to ask if you're free at all this evening so we can go over your contract?"

"Erm, yeah sure, what time?" I asked.

"About 6ish. You can use your new gift to get here if you like. See you in a while".

Gift? What Gift? My mind not being clear I had a quick shower. I put on my only interview suit. No need for the tie, I've already got the job. I head toward the front door and on the door mat is a set of keys with a ribbon on them. I'm putting two and two together now. I rush to open the front door. BMW? Mercedes? Porsche?!


Then I remembered; Charlton not Chelsea...


Board Meeting

I arrive at the club and I'm escorted to the Board Room by the secretary. She gave me a cheeky wink as she left the room. Is this the kind of life a manager lives?

I wait for Michael to arrive. I'm struggling to come to terms that this is now my future. It feels like a massive weight upon my shoulders.

Michael walks in, suspiciously tucking his shirt in and from what I saw blowing a kiss at somebody? Anyways, no time to read in to it. I'm here for a reason.

MS: "Martin! Glad you could make it. Now, I don't wan't to waste too much of your time, but I have brought along your contract and I'm going to go over the main points and the stuff you really want to know. First off, your salary, it's £620 a week. I'm sure you'll agree that's a more than acceptable offer. Obviously that's subject to a 5%-8% increase every year, subject to performances. You get a company car, as you already know! How's that going for you by the way?"

Me: "Yeah, it's great. Can't complain."

MS: "Good! She's a great little motor, only eighty five thousand miles on the clock you know! Smashing little car! Anyways, back to your contract. This year I'm giving you about two hundred thousand pounds to spend in the transfer market. Now, I know that's a lot of money, and let's face it, it is! But I would like you to treat that with a little respect. Charlton has never come in to this kind of money before, but I've just had my inheritance through and I've put it all back in to the club. I think we're pretty much done here, nope! Wait! One more thing, you're accomodation. As part of Charlton football club, we would like to further welcome you by offering you a place to live, free of charge."

Me: "That's absolutely brilliant! Thank you so much!"

MS: Don't mention it. I've brough the brochure along for you to take a look, but I do have another meeting which started...5 minutes ago! So I am going to have leave you, please don't hesitate to call me if you have any problems, and I look forward to you starting work tomorrow. Thanks a lot Martin"

I shook Michaels hand and he passed me over the brochure to my new place. A new place! I was living the dream. I opened the enveloped and took the brochure out.

The front cover said Greenwich Council Homes...