Cleaning toilets is more fun than editing anyway.
well duh...
AND i get payed for it
Cleaning toilets is more fun than editing anyway.
In your opinion, some people enjoy it y'know that why there transfer databases
alright cheerz mate will take alook but if it too long winded cba with it
takes some reading but its not as difficult as it sounds and doesn't take as long as it looks
if you cba then post your db here
and ask someone to do it for you
thats only for adding points deductions and only wrks for premier league haha ok will request that
its not, you can remove the deductions from any team any division
well i read the first like 8 posts and it said you couldnt cba to read rest LOL well i sent a message to alcaraz asking if he could do the deductions so we'll see... btw
could you do them if i sent you the latets database.?
YES!! *can hear a penny dropping*
thats why i sent you the link
post the details on the request thread and upload the db and i will have a look
took me a while to realise your name was onit LOL haha
can i send you the file by email you do it quickly then send it me back
where can u get the advanced editor from pls