
Apr 15, 2010
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Greetings all,
I am having trouble with agents..... I have two very good young players ( Trincao and Valente) in my Parma side, they both deserve , and have asked for, new contracts, which I have said I will do at the end of the season. However
, when I suggest terms the bl&@dy agent includes a release clause for champs league sides etc of way below what the players are worth... , which I cannot alter or exclude, consequently I either have to accept that I may lose both players for far less than they are worth, or the players become unhappy, and want to leave. The only thing I can think of is ask the players to sack their agents, I don’t see why I should be dictated to by agents, when it comes to contract renewals. Anybody got any suggestions ??
Many thanks.
if the agent didn't make the release clause non-negotiable, give them better wages and bonuses and increase the value of the release clause to what you think is an acceptable amount. if it's not negotiable you can always withdraw from contract talks if they have more time on their contracts. they will become happy again in a few months if you play them according to their team status. if they are young and not an influential player on the team you should not be concerned about a revolt from your other players.