'Allow Transfer Budget In First Season' Box?

The Shots

Mar 30, 2010
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What is the point of this?

I don't know why anyone would have it? What benefit does it add to your game. Most people don't even get past a season in FM, and some people only get past the first transfer season, so why include this in a game anyway?

Sorry, and I hope you don't think this is a pointless thread. Also if you do, can you tell me why before you infract me so I can tell you why I made it.
Most people don't even get past a season in FM, and some people only get past the first transfer season,
i doubt most people dont get further in than season 1. And you can buy players from the start since you start in the summer.
well some people might like to be a big club and have no money to spend and see if they can win somethnig with the squad they have
i doubt most people dont get further in than season 1. And you can buy players from the start since you start in the summer.

When you first start a game, you might be unsure of what team to pick.

---------- Post added at 11:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 PM ----------

well some people might like to be a big club and have no money to spend and see if they can win somethnig with the squad they have
Then you don't buy a player.

Does anyone actually use this?
Realism? A challenge? Something new?

People have it because they may be bored of having money to spend to strengthen their squad where they may not even need their signings. People may find that being more authentic is more fun than having the usual season expectations, transfer budget, wage (etc.)

I personally don't have it on, but I can understand why others would. Some managers in real-life don't spend during the first season. Take for example Arsene Wenger or Six Alex Ferguson I know at least one time, one of them might have not spent their transfer budget in a season.
Because all FM's are usually updated to the transfer window, which means if you tick that box you can play the first half of the season in the exact way it's been played in real life. Every team would have the exact squad and teams that they have in real life during that time period. I guess it's not too bad for the first time you play the game, if you're looking for realisim.
I sometime have it ticked because i like the teams to have the same players for as long as possible. Realistic, i guess
i dont understand :( what does HAVING it ticked do? then i can figure out what not having it ticked does from there :)
It makes sure no team is allowed to sign anyone, until the Jan transfer window, which means all squads for all teams will be the same at least until Jan.
I always play without allowing budgets in the 1st window. I do it to add to the realism - the summer transfers have already been concluded so why give yourself extra money? And you can't just opt not to buy anyone because the other teams will buy unrealistically too
I always check the box for no spending until January 1st. Adds realism to the game. I spend the first half of the season tapping up the players I want to swoop for during the winter window and they normally have them on their favoured personnel list by that time anyways.

I hate when it's not checked. City are stupid with their buys. Same with Chelsea, Madrid and Barca. City will have 60 players on their books before the summer window ends if you let them. It's completely unrealistic.

Would rather wait until January as the Summer 2010 buys are already done. I've noticed clubs make more sensible buys as their squads have already gelled and adapted to playing together.
for me it is pointless but i agree it would give people a challenge
i have it ticked as i like to but my own players
Thanks you, I didn't mean to sound like I hate, I just didn't understand why people used it, and if I should in future. Thanks again :)
I unticked it for the summer window
so will i be given money in January?
I do it sometimes so I can start with similar-ish squads to real life and see how well I can do compared to real life.
I never play with transfers in first window ... I try to play my games as more realistic it can be ... when you don't allow budget in first transfer window, you should get your money at 1st November ...
Then you don't buy a player.

Does anyone actually use this?

I use it, because I want transfers during the summer window to destroy the real squads so that I can play the Premier League with maximum realism and no silly transfers in the first window that didnt happen IRL.