
Nov 9, 2013
Reaction score
Downloaded the american invasion database from deadarmy, Have put the graphics files into graphics and they wont work any help would be appreciated.
The config says the XML will pick the files up from anywhere inside graphics and will use the correctly.
Did you manage to find a way of sorting this? I have just downloaded it and haveing the same problem!
Mae sure the right things are ticked in the interface page? untick use cacheing etc?
Yeah, i have all the right things unticked and ticked i think, still not working :(
Although the competition logos are working but everything else isnt :SSS
No idea, ask where you downloeded em,.
No idea, google the pack name and see if they have been uploaded anywhere else and see if these is an answer n that forum. or search to see if the pack was uploded for 2013-2010 etc and solved the problem then.. never heard of the pack myself, sorry m8.
Did you check IDs are ok?, sometimes they could change depending of the save.
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