American that somekinda fried snack??


Dec 14, 2023
Reaction score
American Samoa International Management

Welcome to my inaugural venture to writing an FM Story. I've played FM since back in the CM Italia era, when I was introduced to it from a friend back in school. Since then like most of us, I've been hooked. I've tried a couple of personal saves on this years edition of FM, but haven't got truly into it yet, so hoping that going down the route of writing about my inept ability at coaching and complete lack of anger management might be fun for you to read.

So... American Samoa.... and International Management... how did it come to this?? (Editor Note: Yes, I know the International setup on FM isn't the best... but I started off unemployed and with ALL the top 2 Division's loaded from each country in the database applied for ALL available jobs and... they were the only ones to offer me a Job!) so why not?

So after a quick google search after getting of the phone from the President of the American Samoa Ferderation, my what a pretty place...

Only question is.... how do I get from the North-East of England to the American Samoan capital Pago Pago...??


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2nd July 2023

So, unsuprisingly there isn't a direct flight from Newcastle to Pago Pago... go figure. Not to worry.... I've found a flight from Heathrow to Auckland, New Zeland with a connecting flight to Pago Pago.

I jump on the next train from Newcastle Central Staion to London's King Cross, then transfer to the tube onto Paddington (not the cuddly bear although the sweaty hairy guy next to me smelled like an animal!) where I joined the Heathrow Express...all for £95! There goes this weeks wages....


The next 32 hours I travelled from Heathrow to Auckland with a stop-over in Hong Kong Airport...then a flight to Apia (American Samoa) and a taxi to the capital Pago Pago and was £1,000 lighter for the pleasure... I hope this move pays off in the long run, as my £10K savings are taking an early hit.

As for my accomodation, luckily enough my Assistant Manager Ryan has agreed to put me up in his friends house who has been away studing in Hawaii... at the bargain price of $400 per month!


Light and airy I suppose!
25th Aug 2023

Well, as the time approaches closer to our 1st games lets have a quick look around the ground where we'll be playing our home games....



Official Capacity is 2000, ALL football matches are played on this pitch, Mens/Womens/Youth Teams/Club/National
FM Capacity says 10000 (there is only a total population of 43,500)...hope your all now understanding how difficult it'll be to get a functioning team onto the pitch.

My Four step plan for the save is as follows:

1) Improve the FIFA World Ranking for American Samoa

2) Avoid any major defeats!

3) Try not to loose my S**T when we cant string 2 passes together!

4) Control ALL Levels of the National Setup (1st Team/B Team/U23's/U20's/U19's) This will allow me to build a couple of tactics that ALL levels will play and hopefully give continuity when players are stepping up through the levels.

In the next update.....

(International tone dial)........ ....... ........ Hello?

Hi, is that Mr Moe?
Yeah, who'z this?
Hello there Mr Moe, you've probably never heard of me but I'm Darren Mason, Head Coach of the International Soccer Team American Samoa.... and I'm calling to see if I can ask you to speak to your son and see if he'd be interested in representing American Samoa on the International Stage?


So while I was working through the limited player pool I found a couple of gems that might just swing some results our way, the first you already now know is the above Fuahala Moe at only 15 yrs old has the abiltiy already to be our #1 striker! The 2nd one is....


Although slightly older would again easily be our #1 striker on his own. Both of these stikers would hopefully lead the line and spearhead our team....only issue is....neither has yet to declare for either U.S.A for us American Samoa.......

Will they accept my invitation to join our squad for the upcoming games? Find out in the next update...
Quick Update for those of you reading my story..... I've be unable to progress the save as I couldn't complete the conditions for a FULL Team! I could only select a total of 8 GK for each of the Senior/U23's/U20's, but I needed 9, 3 GK required minimum for each team.

So I've gone back to the drawing board and handliy have found an Oceania Leagues Club download on, (Including the American Samoa's). So hoping that by running all of these smaller Oceania Leagues and allowing the fill players to playable teams will increase the numbers for my International team selection.

The download gives you the Oceania Leagues (Including Oceania Champions League) if you'd like to give it a go, head over to, you can see a preview below.


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