
Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score
Hey guys.
I was wondering if anyone has ever had success with this guy?
You see, I thought this lad was amazing, but he played 10 games and ended up with an average rating of 5.6. And when I looked at his attributes, he seemes to be a decent striker, yet he takes ages to train in the position. I've repeatedly tried him in different games and yet he still seems to be failing, despite him being the right personality, top condition, and in the right position. Anyone else?
Play him left mid he is awesome he kept Malouda on the bench in an old save
That's where I played him! He was diabolicle! Plus cost a fair bit.
i got him for £2.6 Million first season he was averaging 7.77 a game stick with him mate he will come good. what team are you and what season
Derby County, 2012, he's currently just backup and I'm hoping he fulfills his potential.
I played him LAM for west ham and he was class, scored some goals assisted some. got in team of the year.
Hes top class as a AML not a striker, gets assists for fun on my Hearts save, had clubs in Spain, England and France after him but I hope I can hang on 2 him for a bit longer lol
Never used him myself, but he seems to be the only player at Hearts who made an impact for them when I played against them on my Rangers save, scored a couple against me throughout my 1st season there as well, playing as AML.