
Dec 26, 2008
Reaction score
i have just signed a player called andy wilson who joined the game in 09/10 mate told me to look at him.hes french but in my mates game he is a centre half and on mine a left winger.on both games he has class stats but was wondering if he is on anyone elses??i know that he obviously isnt a real player but just seeing if you guys had him too??
lol!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah he's a right back on my game with the exact same picture as on yours! I'll get a scout report and tell you if he's good on my game!
He is rated by Jim Lawlor as not a worthwhile signing for United!
He's on mine as a striker but his stats are no where near as good as on yours and his pa is only a championship player
i`ve signed him too great striker would uload pic if i knew how! 09/10 season also! on mine he`s 21 and from france dark hair!lol
im using a skin called three.
and i uploaded the pic by using a printscreen and pasting it in paint.
hes class on mine and im in the prem,already got a avg rating of 7.58 after 17 games in prem
just open a new paint and press control and v together to paste.then save to desktop.then when posting it has the option to include an attatchment and find it.
when i click on insert image it just brings up url: box?
click on manage attatchments and another box should open up then click upload file from your computer and browse
thanks andymakka9 found it now lol ,but says unable to upload file invailed? docx? anyway thanks half way there!
There's a decent looking Andy Wilson regen on my game also.

View attachment 2691

thanks andymakka9 found it now lol ,but says unable to upload file invailed? docx? anyway thanks half way there!

Thats a Word 2007 document. If you paste it into Paint (or another Image Editor) then just save it as a.jpg and it will upload fine.
thanks sean! posted a thread asking should have looked here again sorry!:( heres my mr wilson! got him for peanuts!:D
He plays CB for Liverpool on mine and he's 'world class', **** missed out on that one!!!
On my Notts County game he has the potential to be a decent league 2 striker so thats definately not good enough as we're second in League 2 and hoping to be playing League 1 football next season :D
On my game, Andy wilson is a right midfielder and it sucks.
Doesn´t have almost any qualities!