Anon declares war

Who are "they" anyway?

They could be smart 25 year olds, they could be immature 13 year olds who like to post pictures of dead babies or 40 year old paedophiles.

.... They are ANONYMOUS!
"They" are the people who hacked the PSN "because they could". If they really wanted too, it seems they could kill Sony considering the ease they took it down with in April.

This is not going to be good.
YT isn't working for me atm, someone paraphrase? I'm a tentative supporter of Anon, so this should be interesting.
I find it all quite retarded, one of their reasons was because Sony were stopping people from using the consoles full potential.
So they go out and cripple it's online ability thus stopping more people from using it at all.
Makes sense.
"They" are the people who hacked the PSN "because they could". If they really wanted too, it seems they could kill Sony considering the ease they took it down with in April.

This is not going to be good.

That was LulzSec, which is essentially a branch of Anonymous. Anonymous are generally ****** off with LulzSec. AFAIK, Anon are gonna hammer LulzSec if LulzSec do anything for profit. Anon took down MasterCard, Visa, PayPal etc a while ago, but it seems like they're going to go for something else this time. Presuming it's "the elites'" e-mails or secret documents.

However, let's see if they actually will hack and not just annoy everyone with ddosing.
I find it all quite retarded, one of their reasons was because Sony were stopping people from using the consoles full potential.
So they go out and cripple it's online ability thus stopping more people from using it at all.
Makes sense.

Some of them are idiots, some are not. Just takes a few idiot hackers to destroy PSN, that's how it works unfortunately.

Maybe they'll hack the Zimbabwe government again... lol.
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I find it all quite retarded, one of their reasons was because Sony were stopping people from using the consoles full potential.
So they go out and cripple it's online ability thus stopping more people from using it at all.
Makes sense.

They took down Sony due to them putting a pro-freedom guy on an unfair trial. Anonymous aren't exactly forgiving.
YT isn't working for me atm, someone paraphrase? I'm a tentative supporter of Anon, so this should be interesting.

"The Plan" 1 year. 3 phases. A world of change.
Share this message with everyone you can.

PHASE 1: Better yourself. Spread the message. Be the message.

*Educate yourself on the depths of the system, the functions put it place to inhibit true freedom as well as the mechanisms within the system that motivate the masses to subconsciously accept giving up those freedoms. The structures within the system that promote division within the people of the countries of this world and the injustices that are placed upon the people.

*Spread the message. Share this video and the website with everyone you can. Make your own videos, songs, art, graffiti etc... spreading the word that we are here, the movement is taking hold. Expect us.

*Learn ways that will allow you to break free from the system. Start small and implement them in your daily lives. This will be implemented as a focus of Phase 2 as well, escalating what you have learned.

*ANON hackers - begin supporting the movement. This is a calling to all of you for the aid of this movement. Low-priority targets are your engagement. Assist with the movement and spread the message of "The Plan".

The resistance is here.
Expect us.

From the info. Couldn't be bothered to paraphrase, you're not worth it.

Got bored of the video - Just some animation with some philosophical guy talking about dreaming and ****.
I see. Nothing useful then, just Anon doing their normal dickery.
Some of them are idiots, some are not. Just takes a few idiot hackers to destroy PSN, that's how it works unfortunately.

Maybe they'll hack the Zimbabwe government again... lol.
Indeed, I know of a few people that claim to be part of it. It's safe to say that the majority of those "anon" are just idiotic sheep being told what to do becuase they have no idea what they need to do otherwise. Which is why they're so good at dossing things, they have numbers and most of them just follow along with whatever the others do.

As for the trial you can understand why sony did it, plus they settled it all and the matter is done with.
yay, people acting out their Matrix fantasies behind the "safety" of their PCs...

OMGZ, we are being supressed by the evuls peepols who own their own property and earn lots of moneys by exploiting stupid phucks like us!

We shall hacks their PC!

yawn...reminds me of an animated kids movie where some small creature becomes angry at a larger creature, and then steals his packet of ketchup for revenge... *roles eyes*
Why can't they do something useful for a change. Like ********** furiously to a GILF magazine, stand at a bus stop drinking LCL Pils so I can abuse them. Very, very tiresome boulderdash from a bunch of morons.
Why can't they do something useful for a change. Like ********** furiously to a GILF magazine, stand at a bus stop drinking LCL Pils so I can abuse them. Very, very tiresome boulderdash from a bunch of morons.

These are people who are proud to hack random companies for no real purpose but "they can". I'm pretty sure they've got that one covered.