Anon declares war

From what I've heard Lulz are just amateurs who use SQL Injections and if those basic exploits fail they just Ddos instead.
Why can't they do something useful for a change. Like ********** furiously to a GILF magazine, stand at a bus stop drinking LCL Pils so I can abuse them. Very, very tiresome boulderdash from a bunch of morons.

Like leading internet hacktivism against the Tunisian Government that was trying to prevent Tunisians from using the internet to relay what was happening in the revolutions? Supporting free speech? Taking out websites like and opposing the Westboro Baptist Church? Make no mistake, Anon have some good in them.

Also, I enjoy the lulz. Taking out HBGary and getting Aaron Barr fired was brilliant. Even better, one of the hackers (of an internet security site, no less) was a 13 year old girl.