Anonymous (PS3 hackers, group)

wait are they angry at sony for banning them for hacking people on ps3?
lol losers
Imagine what these people could do if they redirected their energies to actually contributing to society instead of hiding away in their mum's basement with their geek friends hacking company's for perceived injustices, they are like 2 year olds throwing tantrums for not being allowed to play with dirt.
They say their activity won't affect gamers but it will,you really think that Sony will absorb the cost of all this hacking without passing on the cost to us consumers somewhere along the line...and i say hacking but DDOS isn't actually hacking, it's something untalented children do because they lack the necessary skills to do anything more sinister, i mean..they even have a feckin Facebook page, how very now.
Do not click on that, in the description, it says that they force sites like youtube to give them all of the ip adressess of everyone who has watched their videos!!
Do not click on that, in the description, it says that they force sites like youtube to give them all of the ip adressess of everyone who has watched their videos!!

Oh no! What ever will I do...people who can't hack a ****** Myspace page! Even if they were serious folk, changing IP addresses' is one of the easiest things to do. Also, on top of that Youtube would never do that.
Lal, top comment on the video:

"We, anonymous, will bring down evil corporations such as Sony"

"David! Come downstairs, dinner is ready!"

Do not click on that, in the description, it says that they force sites like youtube to give them all of the ip adressess of everyone who has watched their videos!!

No it says it gets the IP addresses of people who have watched videos of the people they are trying to stop
Can you guys stop taking the **** out of my pro hacking skillz club plz.

Oh wait.. we're called Anonymous for a reason.. o'shita.
Sound like a bunch of dickheads who wank over pictures of Justin Beiber. Bless them
They said they would hack Sony last week and then just called the thing off.
I dont get what they're trying to achieve? Whats the problem with Sony??
I dont get what they're trying to achieve? Whats the problem with Sony??

It's to do with the lawsuit Sony had against GeoHot.

The lawsuits are an "unforgivable offense against free speech and internet freedom, primary sources of free lulz (and you know how we feel about lulz)."
they're angry at sony for removing the other os from the ps3 due to "safety" reasons. a well known hacker by the name of geohot, was recently arrested and he had a court case. basically, they want sony to stop ******* around with the ps3. and this group is actually capable of taking down sony sites, they were involved in the wiki leaks thing, amongst other incidents.
I don't particularly support their stance towards Sony (or a whole bunch of other ventures for that matter). However, their DDoSing of HBGary was particularly hilarious.
So, are they pretty much a bit of the old "we loath big companies"/anti-capitalist "we should be allowed to do what we want because we have no other use in society" type bunch?
So, are they pretty much a bit of the old "we loath big companies"/anti-capitalist "we should be allowed to do what we want because we have no other use in society" type bunch?

Not quite. They do more than just annoy big companies: they're fighting a running battle with the ultra-christians the Westboro Baptist Church, for example.