Are you a pauser?


Aug 9, 2017
Reaction score
To clarify.. I mean midgame; if you want to make a tactic alteration / team talk in game, do you pause before doing so?

I never used too; but i've been stung a few times from going to advanced tactics to alter things and then see a familiar flashing bar at the bottom that we've scored/conceded (usually the latter)

I have now started to pause before changing things, it feels a little naughty, i'm not sure why...

Must admit i do this too. Mostly for sideline shouts though rather then tactical changes. Just makes me feel better if i get that "concentrate" in before that all important opposition corner or the "encourage" in after a superb yet unfinished attacking movement.

Do know what you mean though. The amount of times I've gone into the tactics menu to change something to be greeted by the flashing lights for the opposition is a little disturbing.....
Nah I play in real time, quite often I sub a player and he scores after I hit confirm though!
Yes. It is not cheating. If I don't pause the game may go to a in between highlights and eat up a huge amount of time that's totally unrealistic and unfair. I only don't pause for touchline shouts.
Pause ban would only make sense if playing full match. Otherwise, I really doubt it serves realism or fairness to take ten minutes to ask the left fullback to move forward more often.
The game doesn't skip highlights when we go to make a change though? It switches to real time, so unless you're playing at a fast speed, it doesn't waste much time. So, needless to say, I don't pause in general because it's not necessary.

If I want to make a quick sub, the game pauses automatically anyway.

The only time I'll pause is if I have quite a lot to change like formation, instructions and personnel when a goal changed the game with say, 5 minutes to go.
I'm not sure, some times I've lost a lot of time doing them. And it'd not be the first time I see a chapter of Doctorbenjy go to tactics and when he's back from confirming the match is almost ended.
As I said, it does depend on the amount of changes and time spent in there and the speed settings of the match.

Previous FMs kept your speed and highlight settings in the background so we all could miss entire halves sometimes, but FM17 (and maybe 16 too?) switches to full match when you go into the tactics screen. Whether the speed changes, I don't know.
Yeah, I think it's how you say, but must have been a bit buggy at first and had the odd hiccup.
Heh, If I play a very important match then I pause before making any changes :)
The ME can make and take decisions in 0.1 seconds, so i need to pause. I must!