As I'm finding, not only is this tactic quite incredible in itself, it also opens up further possibilities.
Leaving the 6 defensive players, team and individual instructions pretty much alone, it's perfectly possible to change around the front 4 into different formations, which could help teams who may be weaker or stronger in some areas.
For example, as sean knows, I've been playing around with having an inside forward (AMR), trequartista in the AMC position and DLF alone up front. I'm also playing around with another formation having a narrow front 4 of a DLF (attack), 2 x attacking midfielders (attack) in the AMCL/R positions and an advanced playmaker (support) for AMC.
Both are giving great results.
I'm not saying they give better or worse results that sean's original, just that the core tactic is such a stroke of genius you may be able to change some elements around to help tailor things to your team, or offer additional tactical variety given different opponents.