Nov 28, 2010
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Im blackburn at the moment and my assistant manager has quit to go be leeds manager.

Im now without one and just wondering if its possible to move one of your first team coaches to be your new assistant.

I would sign a new one but I have literally no money to afford a decent enough one.

Also while Im at it Leigh Griffiths isn't in my game for some reason. Has that happened to anyone else

If you Didnt select the scottish leagues that may be why leigh griffiths is not in your game

and you could try and sign a free agent (*** manager)
You'll need to offer them a new contract. Chances of acceptance depend on how much money you offer, and the person's willingness to accept an AssMan position.
and you can promote one of your coaches to assistant manager
offer him a new contract and change role to *** manager instead of first team coach
Don't know if he'll come to Blackburn, but Johan Neeskens is really a fine *** manager for me at Tottenham. He was without a contract at the start of season.